Greeting, Salutations, and Whatup Dogz? UPDATED 10/31/10

Dec 31, 2023 20:55

For Friending Requirements: I AM A LEGAL ADULT OF THE AGE OF 24. Please friend me if I requested you to. *begs*
I haven't done a lot on my LJ, it just doesn't happen. I really wish I was committed to it but I am not, and stop laughing, not that kind of committed. Anyway, I am pretty much only keeping my lj so I can read fics, but all my favorite authors (caz, missthingsplace, cjharknessgirl and several others) have moved to dreamwidth. I also signed up for a dreamwidth account, I think I like DW better. I probably won't do a lot over there either but it's cool to have one. So anyway....

New stuff to come! :)

I ramble, a lot.
I am a criminal justice student, I like to talk about some weird stuff, cannibals included. Graduated! May of 2009. I am so happy, but I can't find a job, that sucks.
I read and write SLASH. Not all of what I post will have slash in it, but if you flame me, I WILL flame you back for being thickheaded. Kac will back me up.
I have fandom ADHD, I believe that's what Kac calls it. I can't stick with one fandom, hence the Torchwood, the Supernatural, so on and so forth. I can't stick with one for long so ignore abrupt changes.
I have not really ever posted my writing to the internet, so beware, I suck. I also don't have a beta, if it's on my journal it's not beta-ed. Don't go loco on me for grammar, I generally suck at it. Corrections are accepted if you are nice.

Wish me luck! Thanks

greetings, ljnews

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