It's going to be one crazy crazy week. I have to present and turn in an offical real science type report on my project on Thursday and my methods section is already seven pages long... haven't even analyzed the data and whatnot yet. It's going to be insane. It's like finals week or something, how does that happen in the summer?
And please please don't make me leave Montana and the bodacious biologist friends. This is even worse than leaving LC was in May. I'm ready for this crazy fall to begin, I suppose. Ready to go home and pack some bags and head off to the wild blue yonder, get my crazy malaryia pills and head out to learn something new about the world.
This has been a fairly pointless update. Except to tell you Bellinghammers that I'll be there next Monday and that I want to go up to Baker and walk around some meadows, anyone want to go breathe in a little bit of mountain air?
I've got five days to write a paper, prepare a 20 minute presentation and learn how to say goodbye to people. Definitely going to need some luck with all of that.
Wish I was still here: