Hey ho, hidey ho!

Jul 23, 2010 17:31

Reading blogs makes me want to write again.

To tell you the truth, I miss writing. I make it up by typing little tidbits in the Notes section of my phone ala Twitter. I-- well, tweet. I update my FB status with useless details of my life. But dear god, I miss writing more than 140 words per entry.

Life has been mundane for me for the last 3 months. Mundane but wonderful still. I spent a month in Oxford after my finals (yes, I still have finals after going through industrial training-- a THEORY paper on top of practical exams mind you). I pretty much lazed around the whole time I was there. Did a bit of cooking for my sister's family. Did tons of shopping since I hardly do any at home. Went to places although, I did not get my trip to France. Too expensive and I kinda blew my budget over a ridiculous amount of tops from Primark and Dorothy Perkins accessories. All I did was splurge, splurge, splurge in Oxford and the splurging inevitably gained me more unwanted pounds (as in weight, not the currency). And to think I actually lost weight whilst interning, while the rest of the female population in my batch was moaning over their now flabby arms and expanding waistlines due to the unlimited supply of food in the kitchen. I don't know how I did but I really did lose some, if not a lot. Even checked it with a scale. The guys too, managed to lose a tremendous amount of weight after 4 months of slavery. Curse their higher metabolism rate. Then again, as if all of this matters. I need to find a way to shed what I've put on. Hopefully, with me back in college could contribute to that since I eat less in quantity and nutrients here HAHAHA.

Personal life wise.. heeeeeeee ♥
It's slow but progressing. Hopefully to something good. We might not communicate as much right now but at least I got the chance to entirely tell him what I felt the day before I head back to college. That alone was a fairytale. I always thought he'd run after I confessed. He didn't. In fact, he seemed oddly eager to see me whenever I stop by the hotel. That has to mean something, right? As of now, I have him in my FB, his phone number and his approval to text/call whenever I feel like it without guilt pestering me every time I even have the single thought of talking to him. Not that I need any approval to begin with, I just wanted to know for sure I wasn't bothering him (yes, I asked him and he said, "Oh, your calls and texts never bother me," where in return I grinned from ear to ear. Oh, he is a charmer alright). I might not get calls and texts as much as other girls but I must say I feel as happy as they are. Just last night, I texted him at like, 2 in the morning just because I woke up for the umpteenth time that night since I was sleeping alone. He still replied even though I'm pretty sure he was sleeping like the rest of the world is lololol.

The weather here is vicious. It was raining cats and dogs a minute ago with wind billowing strongly through every nook and cranny of the hostel building and suddenly, everything just died down. It's either crazy windy with mists of rain in your face or sunny spells where the sun will shine unmercifully from the cloudless blue sky.

I have no idea why my laundry doesn't come out smelling like heaven when I've switched my softener from Softlan to Daia. I want my clothes to smell awesome damnit.

life is awesome, amore!, danger idiot in love

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