er. what the icon said.

Mar 12, 2011 11:32

Dear H50 people on my flist:

I'm in the mood to write some H50 fic, but I'm not sure what, or how much, or how long, because sometimes I have days like this where the words are not readily apparent. SO: comment, yo. Gimme prompts, yo. IDEAS, YO, I WANTS THEM.

Basic rules: I make no promises about actually writing what you've prompted, because inspiration is something I am really atrocious at forcing when it isn't already there. This is a "I'm gonna do what strikes me" kind of thing; I'd like to say I WILL FILL THE FIRST TEN PROMPTS THAT COME IN or whatever, but guys, guys, I have absolutely no control over my own brain. It's possible that I'll end up writing 25 little mini-fics; it's possible that I'll take one prompt, mean to write four sentences, and come back in two weeks with 30,000 words. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME, OKAY, I CAN'T HELP IT.

Basic rules continued: if you look in the comments and see something you want to write, DO EET, DO EEEEEET, PLEASE DO IT, I WILL CHEERLEAD YOU SO HARD YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Prompt with pictures, words, quotes, scenarios, music, whatever. And no bashing--not on characters, not on each other, not on prompts, not on fills, not on other fandoms, and not on Scotty Caan's height, okay, because that man has four inches on me and it's driving me crazy and I will cut you.

Alex would like to know what you're thinking about, guys! SCOTTY JUST WANTS YOU TO MAKE WITH THE PROMPTING.

scott caan what even are you, scottyyyyyyyy, why am i like this, i love everyone forever, hawaii 5-0 goddamnit, punched in the face by steve mcgarrett, this is scotty's serious face, o'love o'lough, my flist is awesome, posts that are probably mistakes

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