Wow, I am posting more than usual today

Apr 27, 2010 22:50

Dear iTunes,

Um, it's not that I don't appreciate what you're getting at, but "Low Rider" is not appropriate for Holmes/Watson porn. It's just not.

I see what you did there,


Dear Holmes,

STOP DITHERING ABOUT AND GET WATSON'S COCK IN YOUR MOUTH ALREADY. I know you're brilliant and verbose and everything but HURRY IT UP.

Please to be making with the whoopie,


Dear Everyone Who Asked for A Sequel to That River Fic,

YOU ASKED AND I AM IN THE PROCESS OF MAKING SURE YOU RECEIVE. See above in reference to the delay.

It's coming I swear YOU ARE ALL AWESOME,

hilarity, sherlock holmes, watson demands your attention, porn porn porn, letters to the universe

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