Midweek update

Feb 09, 2011 11:54

Went out for a constitutional yesterday, for the first time in...I don't know how long. Days and days and days certainly, maybe even weeks. But it wasn't actually snowing, for a change, and most of the sidewalks around have been plowed (or shoveled, or blown) - although I still don't trust Main Street. It was slushy underfoot, especially on long level stretches between high walls of snowbank, where the melting slush has nowhere to go, but it felt really good - my upper body has been getting plenty of exercise all this time, pumping snow, but my legs felt like they were atrophying. Much colder out today than yesterday, but I do believe I'll go out again, just to keep things moving.

Added: Went out again today, and the walking is much harder when it's this cold: slush is nothing, as long as the ol' Timberlands hold out, but those long stretches of smooth, bare ice are not conducive to walking-for-exercize. And Main Street is even less walkable than I thought. /Added

Watched 1.5 episodes of Glee last night ("Nay, I can gleek upon occasion" - Bottom), and continue to find it distracting how similar the Warblers blazers are to those of my public school in England - black with the red trim, the only difference is that our lapels were one smooth line, without the little nick (I assume there's a technical term for that in tailoring). And speaking of MCS, I see in my latest newsletter that the school did a production of Measure for Measure last (Michaelmas) term, with "an 80s spin" - I assume that's Lucio with the red lightning bolt over one eye.

When I was visiting the meeting in Quintavia last week, I was asked why Carolingia never came up with term limits for its barons. The simple answer is that it never seemed necessary (surely after bad examples from the past no baron would overstay again?) or desirable (surely this time we've picked a baron we'll gladly keep as long as s/he wants the job!). Still, you know, it is a little remarkable that the oldest barony in the Kingdom, 40 years old this month (although the anniversary event won't be until the end of April), should have had only four "administrations". I suppose we could call it five, if we lump all the vicars together and count them as one era.

tv, sca

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