If there's a common theme here, it might be: Spring!

May 18, 2005 14:09

Judging by the lilacs, here in Wilmington we're as far into spring as we were in Richmond four weeks ago; grass may be a little further along, leaves on the trees a little less, but I'm going to call in four weeks.

Speaking of the grass: this pattern of sunshine all day, and rain on the weekends and the days I get home early is very good for the grass, not so good for the lawn. I paid good money in April to get my lawnmower all serviced and tuned up and cleaned up (it came back so clean I didn't recognize it), and have yet to use it.

Spoiled is when you have apple trees blooming in your front yard, and scarcely notice. Another explanation is you're driving in and out too much, not walking or hanging out in the yard (see above). Getting back into daily walking again.

Is the washing machine leaking, or has the groundwater just found a new path of least resistance into the cellar?

grounds, seasons, house

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