A dream, and a folk-music trivia question arising therefrom

Jul 28, 2008 07:26

Dreamt I was in a musical, based on 20th-c. history, including especially:

- the Russian Revolution, both Oct. and Feb.; one poor girl had to get covered with frost for every take--don't know why we didn't think of using make-up--mostly we were doing live performance, but for her there were separate takes;

- the Spanish Civil War; somewhere during the scene we slipped a minute or two (like I said, mostly live performance) and the big cardboard bus was still onstage in the way when we were supposed to launch into the big production number, so I had to vamp with "The Skeletons of Quinto"*;

- and an evacuation from a winter resort(?) through the snow, my father driving.

* And that reminded me, when I woke up: In 1967, Tom Lehrer sang

"Remember the war against Franco,
That's the kind where each of us belongs;
Though he may have won all the battles,
We had all the good songs."

Were there any good songs to come out of the Spanish Civil War? "Skeletons of Quinto" doesn't count.


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