my saturday (so far)

Jul 26, 2008 21:29

Midday, tackled the rhodo hedge. Wall, more like. Or hill. Anyway, brought it down to the point we actually have a view out the kitchen windows (and daylight can come in), and in to the point where the lawnmower could pass between the hedge and the Sitting Stone (no reason it would need to, with no grass growing there, but it could). If the weather gods allow me more time for groundswork this summer, it could still use a lot of tidying up inside, but at least it’s something, for now.

Went to the movies en famille. Three main reactions: 1) boy, that’s one Dark Knight; 2) a great last role for Heath Ledger to go out on, no Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu; and 3) I would have liked it better, I think, as two movies, separate and complete, instead of this big tangle of loose threads and kitchen sinks. Into more detail I shall not go, lest I spoil something for someone.

From the movies, to the Churrascaria Rodeo, the Brazilian steakhouse in Woburn, for dinner. Not the best Brazilian I’ve had (that still goes to Burlington), but still good. The guy doing the live music was nice. Then a good brisk constitutional after we got home, through the warm, stuffy evening.

film, grounds, food

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