Jan 19, 2009 11:52
Well, it is a week into the semester, and I don't know what to make of it yet. My Tuesday Thursday classes are ok. I don't think my lit professor has ever taught anything but elementary students. The one thing I don't like is that her syllabus doesn't say what we are covering when. No chance to read ahead. Plus I would like to know what parts of the 2400 pg text we'll be reading. So far we have read Genesis and Aesop. I finally got a foreign professor for my Social Problems class. He is from Ghana and he has a very thick accent. That isn't so bad, but every couple of sentences he will scream a word. It has me wondering if it is a Tourettes tic. The second day of Geology was much better than the first. My prof is surprised that I am not a secondary ed/ science major. He says I think like a scientist and enjoys my analysis. Right on. I will do what I can to keep up a good relationship with him. I have discovered my big mistake this semester. Never take a science class on the same day as a philosophy class. It makes my hed asplode.
I realized that I have neglected posting speech results from this year. The team has really exceeded our expectations! After losing 11 Seniors, we thought we would be rebuilding. If you had offered me 1 team trophy, 15 entries at state, 1 national qualifier, and a top 20 finish at state at the beginning of the year, I would have taken it. Our lowest team finish has been 5th (with key girls missing), we have prequalified 26 state entries, and we have 4-8 girls who have a legitimate shot at nationals. I would say a top 5 finish at state is a distinct possibility. This past weekend we were missing 2 of our 3 captains and several key team members. Even with our best teams, traditionally we have suffered at this tourney. We managed to put 8 in finals (3 was our previous best) and took 3rd overall. One of our girls has been on the cusp of making finals every tournament. She finally made finals and won the whole tournament. She was so adorable on stage as the names and places were called out. When she was announced in first, it was joy personified. Seeing someone who has been working as hard as she has been finally break through really makes me happy. Seeing her reaction really makes coaching worthwhile. I am sooooooo proud of my team!
On my birthday this year I am turning 35. Since I am now eligible to run for President, I decided to make the party a theme party. I am asking for people to either design campaign materials (posters, brochures, handbills, buttons, etc) or show the letter they would release to the press the week of the election to damage my campaign. I thought that would be a lot of fun, especially considering how creative my friends are. There will of course be prizes. Why do I have a sneaky feeling that there will be more letters than anything?