Jun 02, 2008 23:08
Almost time to pack up and head back to Madison. This week, as all client installations, has flown by in spurts of great productivity and slogs of head-numbing grunt work. Salt Lake is a lovely city to be in. It is clean and beautiful and the Mormons care greatly about the community. It is a pride of place city, surrounded by mountains (some snowcapped, some green) that remind me of The Sound Of Music. I did take some time yesterday to wander with my camera, so pictures soon to follow on flickr.
Apparently, the Mormons know the secret antidote to the song that gets stuck in your head. It is to sing Somewhere Over The Rainbow, which ends in such a sweet lonely wistful ending that it is impervious to cycling through your head again, and thus finishes the spin of the other song in your head. I tried it, and though Laura claims it was the placebo effect, it worked. So now you are co-holders of powerful knowledge.
I feel strangely detached. I am not overly worried about my fledgling client - I think they have a good handle on the new software and we made a lot of efficent improvements to the way they had been doing things, so I do not leave in a fit of mother hen worries like I usually do. I am lonely for my Liam, but he is not home waiting for me at the end of my rainbow, so that cold ache will continue to sit in my chest for a while. I finished the good books that I brought with me, and am reduced to reading the third book that I picked up at the Denver USO, and it is not really worth reading. Perhaps there is nothing quite as sad as reading a book that holds no joy in the reading. It's akin to your best friend not calling you back when you are lonely. Also, I am out of Diet Coke, alas, alack.
So back to a few more things to do for the client, then to bed and up for the morning red-eye flight. I hope all of you get to sleep in tomorrow morning, lovies.