FIC: A Kind of Wild Justice

Mar 01, 2010 18:08

Title: A Kind of Wild Justice
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing: Bill/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3700
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K. Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: Dubious consent; D/s; humiliation; a bit of forced feminization
Summary: Draco had known that working for Weasley was a bad idea.
A/N: Written for the daily_deviant February 2010 prompt of sexual harassment. Title comes from a quote by Francis Bacon: “Revenge is a kind of wild justice.” Thanks to the_flic for the beta!

Draco didn’t want to be here.

He was standing outside Bill Weasley’s office at Gringotts, trying to work up the courage to knock on the door. Every fibre of his being was screaming at him to turn around and go right back home, but he couldn’t do that. He hadn’t been able to find a job anywhere else in wizarding Britain. It had taken his mother’s complaining to Harry Potter - for which Draco would never forgive her - to secure him even this menial position as a loan processor working under Weasley.

Potter, who had strangely enough become the Malfoy family’s biggest defender after Narcissa had saved his life, had assured Draco that Weasley bore him no ill will for the incident with Greyback.

Draco wasn’t so sure.

Before he could lose what little courage he had, Draco took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Draco opened the door and stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure what to do or even what to say. Weasley looked up from his desk, and Draco couldn’t help the reflexive wince at the scars that twisted the man’s face.

Weasley showed no sign of noticing Draco’s faux pas, although he couldn’t possibly have missed it. “Malfoy. Have a seat.”

Draco shut the door and sat in one of the chairs in front of Weasley’s desk. He noticed that he was wringing his hands and forced himself to stop, to fake the calm that he was far from feeling.

“Harry tells me you deserve a second chance,” Weasley said, leaning back in his chair. “Says you’ve gotten a raw deal, that all you need is someone to help you out and you’ll come around. He thinks you’re reformed.”

Potter said that? Draco frowned. “I -”

“Don’t interrupt me.”

Draco’s mouth snapped shut.

“Harry’s a good bloke,” said Weasley. “Too good sometimes, if you ask me. Likes to see the best in people. He thinks you’re worth helping.” Weasley looked at Draco contemplatively. “I don’t.”

An icy pit formed in Draco’s stomach. “I don’t understand.” Potter had assured him that the job was his.

Weasley recognized Draco’s misinterpretation and shook his head. “Don’t worry, you’ve got the job. But I think it’s important that you know why. Harry’s like a brother to me and I’m always glad to do him a favour, but even for him, this is asking a bit too much.”

“Then why?”

Weasley shrugged. “I’m surrounded by goblins all day in this place. You’ve got a pretty face and a nice arse, and I could use something pleasant to look at around here.”

Draco rocked back in shock, half-believing that he had imagined the words. Weasley couldn’t have just said that to him. He wouldn’t have.

“So here’s the deal: you keep your mouth shut and your head down, do your work well and on time, and you and I won’t have any problems. Got it?”

Draco swallowed hard, deciding to chalk Weasley’s wildly inappropriate statement up to temporary insanity. “Yes.”

Weasley raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, sir,” Draco amended. The words hurt his throat.

“Come on, then,” said Weasley, standing up. “I’ll show you to your desk.”


The rest of the week passed without incident. Draco really would have started thinking he’d misheard Weasley, but for the several long, appreciative looks he’d seen the man giving him from time to time - leers, in fact. Weasley didn’t even have the grace to look guilty or ashamed when Draco caught him at it; he would just give Draco an even more leisurely onceover, a slow smile spreading across his face.

It gave Draco chills.

His desk was out in a bullpen with several others, most of them goblins. The work was mind-numbingly boring, which was only intensified by the loneliness Draco felt at Gringotts. Besides the fact that goblins had no interest in socializing with wizards - not that Draco wanted to socialize with them, either - they also kept odd schedules. It wasn’t unusual for Draco to be alone in the office for hours.

The Monday after he’d started working at the bank was one of those days. The goblins had all cleared out around one o’clock, and it was now close to four. Draco leaned over the rolls of parchment scattered across his desk, the scratching of his quill the only sound in the otherwise silent office.

That was, until footsteps sounded on the wooden floor behind him. Draco tensed, knowing it was Weasley. There was nobody else here.

“Finish looking over those applications yet?”

“Almost,” Draco muttered. He bent even closer to his desk, hunching his back as if that would hide him.

He almost shrieked when Weasley’s hands settled on his shoulders.

“Merlin, you’re tense,” Weasley observed. “Your muscles are like rock.”

“I…I’m just trying to get these done on time.” It took everything Draco had not to shrug away from Weasley’s touch; he knew instinctively that would be a bad idea.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. You’ve been doing a good job so far. Much better than I expected.” Weasley started rubbing Draco’s shoulders. “You should relax a little.”

Draco didn’t know what to do. Should he keep working? Should he put down his quill and act like he was enjoying the massage? Should he push Weasley’s hands away and tell him to go to hell?

The last option appealed to Draco the most, but it was also the most impractical. Weasley was his boss, and moreover, Draco was almost universally hated by the wizarding world, whereas the entire Weasley family was beloved. If he wanted to, Weasley could make Draco’s life even more difficult than it was already.

Weasley kneaded the tight muscles with what Draco had to admit was no small amount of skill. Hesitantly, Draco set down his quill and made himself relax into the touch as much as he could.

“That’s right,” Weasley said encouragingly. “That’s good.” One of his hands moved up to rub the back of Draco’s neck.

Draco let his head drop forward. It did feel good. Stress had been his constant companion for years now, and he couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched him like this.

At first he didn’t even notice when the rubbing turned into stroking. But then Weasley’s hand moved from the back of Draco’s neck to the side, fingers running gently, almost teasingly, from jaw to collarbone.

Draco stiffened again. He would have pulled away, but Weasley’s free hand clamped down on his shoulder and pinned him to the chair.

“Shhh,” he said. “Just relax.”

There was no chance of that now, though. Draco held still and tried to keep his breathing in check as Weasley moved his hand to trace over Draco’s throat, then smoothed it down his chest. Draco shut his eyes in apprehension.

Then, suddenly, Weasley let go of him and stepped back, putting some much-needed distance between them. “You’ll have those applications for me by five, yeah?”

“Yes, sir.”

Weasley walked back to his office. Draco clutched the edge of his desk as if it were the only thing keeping him sane.

What am I going to do? Draco thought. Because if he knew one thing, it was that Weasley wasn’t going to stop there.


Draco was right. Over the next few weeks, Weasley became more and more aggressive - his stares more insolent, his remarks more lewd, his touches more invasive. It got to the point where Draco absolutely dreaded going to work; he would stand on the steps of Gringotts for half an hour before forcing himself to go inside, nauseous and shaky as he anticipated what fresh new way Weasley would find to torment him.

On this particular morning, he’d entered the office to see a small box sitting in the middle of his desk. It was tastefully wrapped in simple silver paper and white satin ribbon, but the mere sight of it made Draco’s stomach plummet. He knew who it was from.

Though he dragged his feet as much as possible, eventually Draco found himself standing in front of his desk. There was a plain white card resting on top of the box, blank on the outside. Draco reached out a shaking hand and flipped it open.

Wear these to work tomorrow.

His trepidation multiplying exponentially, Draco dropped the card and tugged on the ribbon, which fell away from the box easily. He lifted the lid.

For a few long moments, Draco just stared, unable to believe his eyes.

They were knickers. Women’s knickers, dark green silk with black lace edging. As if hypnotized, Draco reached out and brushed a finger against them. They were cool and smooth to the touch.

Something inside Draco snapped. He couldn’t, wouldn’t be treated this way - not by anyone, and certainly not by a Weasley. He slammed the lid back on the box, grabbed it from the desk, and stormed to Weasley’s office, pushing the door open without so much as knocking.

Weasley looked up at him in surprise and annoyance, but Draco preempted any comments on his rudeness by throwing the box onto Weasley’s desk.

“What the hell is this?” he hissed.

“It’s a gift, Malfoy,” Weasley said calmly. “Surely you’ve received one before.”

“A gift? Those are silk knickers!”

“They’re quite nice, aren’t they? I picked the color specifically with your fair skin in mind.”

Draco’s jaw dropped, Weasley’s sheer gall infuriating him and making him reckless. “You can’t do this! You can’t treat me this way. It’s - it’s harassment, is what it is.”

Incongruously, Weasley chuckled. “Is it?”

“Yes,” Draco snapped. “And I’m sure it’s illegal.”

All traces of amusement disappeared from Weasley’s face. He leaned forward, eyes intense. “And what are you going to do about it?”

“I -” Draco abruptly stopped speaking, his righteous indignation doused by cold reality.

“The way I see it, you have three options,” said Weasley. “One, you can quit, and try to find some way to explain to your mother why you left the only job you were able to find in over a year of searching. Two, you can report me for sexual harassment, but it’ll be your word against mine, and I think we both know how that’s likely to end. Plus, I’d have to sack you for filing a false report. Or three, you can do what I tell you to do when I tell you to do it, and not only will you keep your job, but I’ll toss some very generous perks your way whenever I can.” The corner of Weasley’s mouth twitched up in a mockery of a smile. “As you can see, the only option that ends in you remaining gainfully employed is number three.”

Draco clenched his jaw, defeated. “Why are you doing this to me?” he said in a low voice.

Weasley’s eyes flashed with something that was not entirely human. “You know why.”

Yes, Draco knew why. And had their situations been reversed, he couldn’t say that he wouldn’t be doing the same, although perhaps his revenge would have taken a less sexual tone. But knowing why didn’t make it any easier.

“You don’t have to decide right now,” Weasley said. “In fact, why don’t you take the rest of the day off to think about it? With full pay, of course.”

“Fine,” Draco said dully. He turned to leave, but Weasley called him back.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Draco turned back around to see Weasley holding out the silver-wrapped box with a malicious smirk. Not letting himself think about the implications, Draco snatched it from his hand and bolted from the building.


The next morning, Draco stood next to his bed in only a dressing gown, staring down at the knickers lying in their tissue paper bed. He’d spent all day yesterday trying to find some other way out of this mess, and he simply couldn’t. After what the Ministry had done to the Malfoy estate, Draco and his mother needed this job. Draco couldn’t afford to lose it.

No matter what.

With trembling hands, Draco untied his dressing gown and let it slide to the floor.


From the self-satisfied look on Weasley’s face the minute Draco shut the office door behind him, it was clear that he was already certain of Draco’s decision.

“Are you here to turn in your resignation?” he said tauntingly.

“No.” Draco grit his teeth. “Sir.”

“Going to report me?”

“No, sir.”

Weasley smiled. “Are you wearing your present?”

Oh, gods. “Yes, sir.”

“Let’s see them, then.” Weasley stood and rounded the desk. “Take your robe off, lower your trousers, and bend over the desk.”

Draco slipped off his robe and hung it neatly over the back of one of the chairs. He carefully avoided Weasley’s eyes as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers, pushing them down to his knees before bending over and placing his palms flat on the edge of the desk.

Weasley kicked very gently at one of Draco’s ankles. “Wider. And arch your back.”

Draco did as he was told, his face burning with mortification. He closed his eyes, hoping that might make things easier.

Then Weasley’s calloused hands were on his silk-covered arse, rubbing and squeezing. “Gorgeous,” he said. “I knew they’d look good on you. Most blokes wouldn’t be able to pull this off, you know. But you look incredible. I think you’d make a pretty girl, don’t you?”

Was Draco supposed to answer that? He got the feeling that he was, and there was only one answer Weasley would possibly accept. “Yes, sir,” he whispered.

Weasley slapped his arse, hard enough to startle Draco but not hard enough to hurt. “Say it.”

“I…I’d make a - a pretty girl. Sir.”

“Fucking right you would.” Weasley’s hand slipped beneath the knickers, fingers trailing down the crack of Draco’s arse. “Do you know what pretty girls like, Malfoy? They like to be fucked.” His fingers ghosted over Draco’s hole, then pressed against it firmly. “Is that what you like?”

In truth, Draco’s sexual experience had been limited to a few furtive fucks with Blaise in the Slytherin dormitories, and they hadn’t exactly been mind-blowing. But Weasley didn’t care about that. “Yes, sir,” he said. When Weasley’s fingers pressed harder against him in warning, he hastily added, “I like to be fucked, sir.”

“Good.” Weasley leaned over and kissed Draco’s ear before speaking into it. “I’m going to fuck you until you scream.”

Draco shuddered.

Weasley stepped away. “Stand up and take off your clothes. Leave the knickers.”

Draco had to open his eyes to undress, and from the corner of his eye he watched Weasley move back behind the desk, sitting in his chair and relaxing against the back of it. When Draco was naked save for the knickers, Weasley patted his thigh. Draco moved slowly towards him, keeping his head down as Weasley pulled him onto his lap and arranged them so that Draco’s back was to his chest, his legs splayed open with both of Weasley’s legs between them.

Weasley bent his head to kiss and bite at Draco’s neck, his hands roaming over Draco’s chest, tracing the contours of his muscles and playing with his nipples. One hand slid down further to cup Draco’s soft cock, encased in green silk.

“Well, this won’t do,” Weasley said. He started rubbing Draco’s cock through the soft material.

“No, don’t,” Draco blurted, horrified. He could bear spreading his legs for Weasley if that was what it took to keep his job, but he couldn’t bear being made to enjoy it.

Weasley laughed softly against Draco’s neck. “I want you aching for me before I fuck you.”

“Please,” Draco said desperately, as his long-neglected cock began to respond to the touch. “Please, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t -”

“What I want is for you to come with me inside you, knowing that I’m the reason why.”

“No,” Draco moaned.


Weasley’s clever hands squeezed and stroked Draco’s cock through the knickers, the slide of silk over his sensitive flesh more pleasurable than Draco would have thought possible. It wasn’t long before he was fully, achingly hard, the wet head of his cock forming a dark spot on the knickers where it pressed against them. Weasley rubbed his thumb over the spot, making Draco gasp.

“Look at you,” Weasley said. “Getting your knickers all wet for me. I like that.”

Draco twisted in his lap, flushed and panting, evenly split between the desire to shove Weasley away and to push up harder into his hand. Weasley finally snuck his fingers inside, taking a firm hold on Draco’s cock. The touch of skin on skin forced Draco to bite his lip, lest he be embarrassed by the moan that was threatening to escape him.

Weasley gave his cock a few teasing tugs, then reached down further to roll Draco’s balls in his hand. Draco jerked at that, unable to suppress a small whine.

“Ready to be fucked?” Weasley asked, still caressing Draco’s balls in a maddeningly arousing way.

“Yes, sir.” The sooner Weasley fucked him, the sooner this would all be over.

“Beg for it.”

Draco’s grip on the arms of the chair grew white-knuckled. “Please, sir,” he said haltingly, cheeks aflame and hatred burning in his gut. “Please fuck me.”

“You want it?”

“Yes, sir. I want it.”

“Stand up, then. Back over the desk.”

Draco stood on shaky legs and leaned over the desk, bracing himself on his hands with his legs spread as before. Weasley stood as well, and he pushed against Draco’s back with a firm hand until Draco got the message and lowered himself so that he was resting on his elbows, instead. The change in position lifted his arse up higher and made him feel more defenseless and exposed. Draco rested his cheek against the surface of the desk and shut his eyes, wishing he had something to hold on to.

Weasley pulled Draco’s knickers down to mid-thigh. There was the sound of a drawer opening and closing, and then Weasley’s slick fingers were pushing rudely inside him, preparing him too quickly and too roughly. Draco tried to twitch away from the intrusive touch, but Weasley’s hand was still on his back, holding him fast to the desk.

Too soon, Weasley’s cock was pushing against Draco’s hole, forcing its way in with little consideration for Draco’s comfort. But even as one of Weasley’s hands moved to grip Draco’s hip, the other reached around to stroke Draco’s cock, keeping him hard through the uncomfortable penetration.

“Merlin, you’re tight,” Weasley groaned as he seated himself fully in Draco’s arse. “You haven’t been fucked in ages, have you?”

“No, sir.” His last tryst with Blaise had been almost two years ago.

Weasley leaned forward and pressed a kiss against Draco’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Malfoy. I’ll give it to you good.”

Draco barely had time to process the threat implied by that statement before Weasley released his cock to grab his other hip, pulled out almost all the way, and slammed back in with one hard thrust. Draco was still gasping from the shock when Weasley did it again. And again.

And again.

Draco had never been fucked like this. It was painful, yes, and horribly degrading, but underneath all that there was an undeniable element of pleasure. The longer it went on, the more the pain faded and the pleasure increased, and Draco had to admit there was a considerable difference between being fucked by a man who knew what he was doing and being fucked by an awkward, fumbling teenager who barely knew where to put his cock.

Then Weasley’s cock brushed against that incredible place inside Draco that he always played with when he fingered himself but which Blaise had never quite been able to hit, and Draco’s mind went blank. His fingernails dug into the wooden desk as he let out a loud moan that would have humiliated him if he’d been in his right mind.

“That’s the spot, eh?” Weasley muttered, sounding a bit breathless himself.

He thrust again at the same angle, and Draco cried out in pure pleasure. He’d never felt anything like this - nothing had ever felt this good. Almost unconsciously, he pushed back against Weasley, needing more.

Weasley gave it to him, fucking him in fast, hard strokes that made Draco’s entire body shake and his eyes roll back in his head. He made noises he’d never heard himself make before, hands scrabbling mindlessly against the desk as he writhed on Weasley’s cock.

“You fucking love this, don’t you?” grunted Weasley. When Draco didn’t answer him right away, he smacked Draco’s arse, and Draco was surprised to find that it only heightened his own arousal. “Don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” Draco said, too far gone to even be embarrassed anymore. “I love it, I - I need to come, please, I need -”

“Want me to make you come?”

“Yes, please, please -”

Draco wailed as Weasley’s hand closed around his cock again, wanking him forcefully. A few pulls was all it took to push him over the edge, practically sobbing with release as his cock pulsed again and again, shooting come all over Weasley’s desk in the most intense orgasm he’d ever had.

Weasley let go and resumed his thrusting, even more brutal than before, until he too climaxed with a shout. He collapsed over Draco’s back as Draco slumped bonelessly against the desk.

Draco’s hazy post-orgasm daze was shattered when Weasley pulled out abruptly and gave his arse a sharp slap. “Get up and put your clothes on,” Weasley said. “Gringotts isn’t paying you to sprawl over my desk with your arse in the air like a common whore.”

His words made Draco’s shame come rushing back, burning even hotter than before. Gods, he was a whore. He’d certainly acted like one - writhing and moaning and begging Weasley for more. How could he have lost control of himself so completely?

Draco stood and pulled the knickers back up, then hurriedly dressed himself. Weasley didn’t offer to clean him up - he just sat in his chair watching Draco, looking even more pleased with himself than earlier. Draco decided it would be best to wait until he was alone to take care of the come that he could feel trickling from his hole.

When he was finished, Draco stood in front of Weasley’s desk. “Will that be all, sir?” he asked stiffly, staring at a point on the wall above Weasley’s head.

“Yes. Good work.”

Draco flinched at the smirking tone, then turned to leave. He was almost out the door when Weasley’s voice stopped him cold.

“And Malfoy? Tomorrow we’ll see how talented that mouth of yours is.”

bill/draco, fic

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