FIC: The Game

Feb 02, 2010 18:24

Title: The Game
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco; Draco/multiple male OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,800
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: Voyeurism/exhibitionism; shades of D/s; indiscriminate sex with strangers
Summary: Harry likes to watch.
A/N: Written for hp_kinkfest. The kink showcased is troilism - the erotic interest in watching one’s romantic partner engage in sexual behavior with a third party, sometimes while hidden. Many thanks to the_flic for the excellent beta, and to the mods for running such an intriguing fest!

“Draco,” Harry hissed through the bathroom door.

“I’ll be out in a minute!”

“You said that ten minutes ago.”

“Well, maybe I could move faster if you would stop interrupting me!”

Harry sighed and sat down on their bed, resigned to waiting as long as needed. He wasn’t sure why he was surprised; this happened every time they went out. It only took Harry five minutes to comb his hair and put on his standard club uniform of a nice shirt and clean denims, but Draco could have been using their bathroom to stage a Ministry coup for all the time he spent in there.

To be fair, though, the results were usually worth it.

Draco finally emerged, leaning against the doorway with a slight smirk as he let Harry get a good look at him. Harry sucked in a breath as his eyes swept over his boyfriend’s leanly muscled body, showcased in the outfit that Harry had picked out for him - a very snug-fitting dark green tee shirt, black trousers that looked to have been painted on, and shiny black boots. Draco’s longish hair fell loosely around his face, into his eyes, the way Harry liked. He wore a simple silver bracelet on his left wrist, as he always did; a bit of kohl smudged around his eyes completed the look of a man on the prowl.

Harry stood and drew him into a heated snog, which Draco returned enthusiastically. He ran his hands down Draco’s sides to rest on his slim hips.

“Are you wearing it?” Harry asked.

“Of course.”

Harry slid his right hand down further, over Draco’s arse, until his fingers found the base of the plug that was just small enough not to interfere with Draco’s movement while still keeping him open and ready for sex at any time. Harry rocked it back and forth gently, nudging it against Draco’s prostate, and Draco moaned and rubbed his hardening cock against Harry’s hip.

“You should save that,” said Harry. “You have quite a night ahead of you.”

“Is that so?” Draco kissed Harry’s neck and pressed even more closely against him. “How many?”

Harry pretended to think, even though they both knew he’d already decided. “Four.”

Draco drew back a little. “Four?”

Harry usually only had him do one or two, and he’d never had him do more than three in a single night. But three wouldn’t be enough for Harry tonight.

“Two with your mouth, two with your arse.”

Looking doubtful, Draco said, “I don’t know if I can -”

“You don’t have to come. Just make sure they do.” When Draco continued to seem unsure, Harry teased, “What, you don’t think you can get four men in one night?”

Draco glared at him, uncertainty overcome by insulted pride. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” He pulled Draco close to him again and spoke into his ear. “It’s what you want, anyway. Fucking cockslut. You know we wouldn’t have to do this if you weren’t such a whore that one cock isn’t enough to satisfy you.”

That wasn’t actually true - Draco fucking multiple other men was Harry’s kink, not Draco’s. But Draco liked to be humiliated, even if he would never admit it, and insinuating that he was oversexed was the fastest and most foolproof way Harry knew to turn him on.

Sure enough, he felt Draco’s renewed erection pressing against him once more. Harry gave him a brief kiss on the lips. “Ready?”

“Yes. Where are we going this time?”



When Harry and Draco had first started playing the game, they had gone to wizarding clubs in the United Kingdom. But Draco had soon become commonly known as Harry Potter’s boyfriend, and it hadn’t been long before they’d run into the problem of righteously offended wizards accusing him of being unfaithful to the Chosen One.

They had considered going to Muggle clubs, instead, but neither of them had wanted to be forced to deal with the complications engendered by condoms and the lack of cleaning spells. So they had started playing the game in the many risqué wizarding clubs that the Continent had to offer. They were both almost unknown there, and Harry’s unusually powerful magic made it possible for them to Apparate distances other wizards could only dream of.

Now they stood in front of one of Switzerland’s most exclusive clubs, registering their wands at the security desk and signing their agreement to the house rules before proceeding to the section of the club marked “Wizards Only”. Once they were inside, Harry activated the spell on Draco’s bracelet that would allow them to communicate through it, then took Draco’s wand and stored it safely up his sleeve with his own - there was no room in Draco’s skintight clothing to keep a wand.

He kissed Draco’s cheek and surreptitiously squeezed his arse, not wanting the others to know that Draco had a boyfriend accompanying him. “I’ll be watching,” he whispered.

Draco shivered.

Harry backed away, against the shadowy wall, and cast a subtle Notice-Me-Not spell that was well within the club’s rules and was mostly intended to keep men from trying to hit on him while he watched Draco work his own kind of magic.

Draco lifted his chin, squared his shoulders, and sauntered across the room towards the bar. He seemed to radiate sensuality and a confidence that bordered on arrogance. The dim lights made his skin glow and his hair gleam, emphasizing his graceful and almost ethereal beauty.

As usual, every head in the place turned towards him. Some of the men looked lustful, some jealous - some both at once. Draco seemed to neither notice nor care, lounging against the bar with a supremely unconcerned air that Harry knew was all an act. Draco thrived on this kind of attention, relished it the way a gourmand savoured a fine cut of beef.

Draco was soon besieged by admirers competing for the chance to buy him a drink. Harry adjusted his trousers as his cock began to rise. He didn’t know why watching Draco with other men made him horny instead of jealous, but it always had. He loved seeing how desirable his boyfriend was, how he made men fall all over themselves to please him, especially knowing that the only man Draco would go home with at the end of the night was him. Harry was the only person with whom Draco was willing to share not just his body, but his life.

Of course, the game had certain rules. Draco only had sex with strangers, never saw the same man twice, and never brought any men home with him. The men were never told that Harry was watching. And most importantly, Draco didn’t choose which of the many hopefuls he would fuck - Harry did.

Draco’s bracelet was linked to the small, dragon-shaped pin on Harry’s collar. It allowed Harry to hear everything Draco and the people around him were saying, although it didn’t work both ways; they had tried a two-way auditory link at first, but Draco had found it too distracting. Instead, the bracelet let Draco know exactly where Harry was at all times, regardless of the spells he had on himself, and made it possible for Harry to communicate with him a bit primitively by making the bracelet warmer or colder.

Harry studied the men flocking around Draco, but none of them were much to his liking. He found it most arousing to watch Draco have sex with brawny, muscular types - whether that was because he found it less threatening to see Draco with men who looked so unlike himself or because he just liked the aesthetics of his pretty, aristocratic boyfriend getting fucked by much bigger men, he didn’t know. It was probably a little of both.

Through the bracelet, Harry heard Draco take a small, sharp breath. Harry looked to see which of the men had gotten Draco’s attention, and his eyes immediately fell on a handsome, dark-skinned man who had just approached the bar. Draco had a definite thing for dark skin; he practically went into heat every time he was around Kingsley Shacklebolt. And this man looked like he could have been Kingsley’s younger brother.

Harry snorted in amusement and decided to let Draco have this one. The man really was incredibly attractive, and he had exactly the kind of build Harry had been looking for. Harry rubbed his index finger over his pin, making Draco’s bracelet heat up to signal his approval.

Draco turned all the others away and let the man, who had a slight French accent and introduced himself as Andre, buy him a drink. They chatted for a few minutes, during which Harry quickly grew bored. He pressed his thumb against the pin.

Draco jerked at the unpleasant sensation of the bracelet growing ice-cold, and his eyes flickered briefly over to where Harry was standing before returning to Andre. He put his hand on the man’s knee.

“Aren’t you going to ask me to dance?” he asked, voice low and suggestive.

“Would you like to?”

Draco smiled and slid his hand up Andre’s thigh. “Very much so.”

Andre picked Draco’s hand up and kissed the back of it, then stood and led him out onto the dance floor. Harry followed, keeping against the dark wall but making sure that Draco was always in his direct line of sight.

Harry hated to dance. Although he had left behind his adolescent clumsiness in every other area of his life, he had never been able to overcome the awkward self-consciousness he always felt while dancing. Draco, however, was an incredible dancer, and Harry enjoyed watching him.

Andre proved to be quite talented himself, and Harry leaned against the wall as his cock took interest in the situation again. They looked good together - coffee-coloured skin against porcelain, Andre’s broad shoulders and large muscles a flattering counterpoint to Draco’s sleek form. Harry was far from the only man watching them dance.

Draco turned in Andre’s arms so that they were back-to-front, guiding the man’s hands to rest on his hips as he shamelessly pressed back against him. Harry gave his own cock a gentle squeeze, secure in the knowledge that nobody was paying attention to him.

Andre chuckled, slipping one hand under Draco’s shirt to glide over his stomach. “You are not at all shy,” he said teasingly.

Draco leaned his head against Andre’s shoulder and looked up. “My boyfriend’s out of town on business.” He gestured for Andre to bend his head down, as if he were going to tell him a secret, then said into his ear, “I haven’t been fucked in ages.”

Harry raised his eyebrows. The boyfriend card was a risky one to play. Some men just couldn’t bring themselves to sleep with someone they knew was in a relationship, no matter how attracted they were to Draco. The potential payoff was that a lot of men became more interested when they thought Draco was cheating on his boyfriend, and the resultant sex was exponentially hotter.

Fortunately, Andre fell into the latter camp; there was a definite flare of lust in his eyes. Draco was a good judge of this kind of thing.

“Boyfriend, hmm?” Andre turned Draco back around and pulled him tight against his body. “Does he know you go to the clubs without him?”

Draco wound his arms around Andre’s neck. “Of course not. He’d be absolutely furious.”

Andre liked that, as well, and he leaned down to kiss Draco deeply. Draco kissed him back without hesitation, rubbing up against him like a cat. Harry let out a soft moan at the sight.

As they kissed, Andre’s hands slid down to Draco’s arse, squeezing it hard. He broke the kiss when he felt the base of the plug, his eyes wide with surprise and dark with arousal. “You are ready, aren’t you?” he said hoarsely.

“You have no idea,” Draco said. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”


“Yes. Now.”

Andre looked as if Christmas and his birthday had both come early. He followed obediently as Draco pulled him towards the back corridor that led to the many rooms the club made available for private encounters. Of course, there were plenty of people who never made it to the rooms at all, opting to fuck in the corridor itself instead. Harry sent a brief flare of heat to Draco’s bracelet to let him know that was what he wanted to see.

Draco stopped, pulling Andre into a passionate snog against the wall. He moved his hands to Andre’s trousers, undoing his belt.

“You do not want a room?” Andre asked, panting.

“I can’t wait. Just fuck me.”

Harry didn’t speak French, but he knew lustful cursing when he heard it. He rubbed his cock slowly through his trousers, trying to keep his breathing under control while he watched Draco turn around and put his hands on the wall, spreading his legs in blatant invitation. Andre fumbled Draco’s trousers down to mid-thigh.

“You are quite a naughty boy,” he said, grasping the base of the plug and giving it a few shallow thrusts.

Draco moaned and arched his back. “You don’t know the half of it,” he said. He turned his head to the side, looking directly at Harry though he couldn’t see him. Even in the low light, Harry could see that his pupils were blown, and his straining cock was dripping precome onto the wall and floor.

He gave Draco another gentle wave of heat, just to reassure him that he was watching. Draco moaned again, louder this time.

“Now,” Draco said to Andre. “Please, it’s been so long, I need it now -”

Andre’s groan at Draco’s eagerness covered Harry’s own. He withdrew the plug and slipped it absently into his pocket before practically ripping open his own trousers to get out his generously-sized cock. He gripped Draco’s hips and thrust inside him with one smooth motion.

Draco took a long, slightly shaky indrawn breath, as he always did at the moment of penetration. That sound alone was sometimes enough to bring Harry to the edge if he wasn’t careful. He forced himself to keep the movements of his hand slow and steady, his cock still trapped uncomfortably in his jeans. He liked to postpone his orgasm as long as possible when they played the game, and he didn’t want to come this early.

Rocking leisurely inside Draco, Andre said, “How do you like it?”

“Rough,” said Draco. “Give it to me hard.”

That was exactly what Andre wanted to hear, of course. He put his hands over Draco’s, pinning them to the wall and covering Draco’s slim body with his own muscular one as he began to thrust hard and fast, slamming his hips against Draco’s arse mercilessly.

“Yes,” Draco moaned, pushing back into every stroke. Harry could tell from his movements that Draco wanted to spread his legs wider, but was frustrated by the tight trousers around his thighs. The thought made Harry’s cock jump, and he stopped touching himself for fear of coming too soon.

He tore his eyes away from the delicious sight to try to calm down a bit and found that he wasn’t the only one enjoying the show. Several of the other men in the corridor were watching, even those who were otherwise engaged. One man who was standing a few metres from Draco and Andre wasn’t even trying to hide it; he had his cock out and was blatantly wanking as his eager eyes took in their every movement.

This was why Harry had wanted Draco to fuck out here, instead of in a private room - he liked to watch other men watching Draco almost as much as he liked to watch Draco himself. Every time a man looked at Draco with that heat in his eyes, or couldn’t keep his hands off himself for watching, Harry experienced a rush of powerful, possessive pride. His boyfriend was the sexiest, most beautiful man in existence, and Harry wanted everyone to see it.

He turned his attention back to Draco, who was getting well and truly fucked. His unrestrained moans echoed through the corridor, mixed with Andre’s deep grunts and the titillating sound of skin slapping against skin.

“Does your boyfriend fuck you like this?” Andre asked, his voice low and rough.

“Never,” Draco gasped.

Harry smirked. If he’d been the one doing the fucking, Draco would have been completely unable to form words.

Andre moved one of his hands to tug on Draco’s cock, and Harry took that as his cue to start rubbing his finger repeatedly against his pin, sending wave after wave of heat through Draco’s bracelet. Draco’s cries took on a frantic edge; moments later, he came hard, spraying the wall with his release.

Andre grabbed Draco’s hips with both hands and gave him a few more brutal thrusts that lifted him up onto his toes before shouting aloud as he emptied himself into Draco’s arse. Harry had to close his eyes as a shudder of pure lust ran through his body.

After they’d caught their breath, Andre eased his cock out and tucked it away. Draco stayed slumped against the wall, head resting on his forearms. His trousers were still down around his thighs and his shirt had gotten rucked up under his arms. Combined with his flushed, dewy skin and heavy breathing, he looked incredibly debauched.

Putting his hand on Draco’s back, Andre said, “All right?”

Draco lifted his head from the wall. “Yes. Would you mind doing a cleaning spell? I checked my wand.”

Andre drew his wand, cleaning his come from Draco’s arse and Draco’s from the wall. Then he pulled the plug from his pocket. “Shall I put this back in?”

Draco hesitated until Harry gave him an affirmative signal. “Yes, thank you.”

“Do you need -”

“It’s self-lubricating.”

Andre slid the plug slowly back into Draco’s arse, teasing him with it a bit before settling it properly. Draco sighed in contentment, then straightened up, set his clothing to rights, and turned around, accepting a soft kiss from Andre but not returning it.

“You are - what is the English word? A sex demon.”

Draco gave a startled laugh. “An incubus?”

“Yes. An incubus.” Andre ran his hand over Draco’s chest. “You will not come away with me, will you?” he said ruefully.

“No. But I’m flattered that you would ask.”

It wasn’t at all unusual for men to ask Draco to come home with them after they’d fucked him. Some even resorted to bribery. On one memorable occasion, a professional Quidditch player had offered him an outrageous sum of money, and Draco had been so offended that he’d kneed the man in the balls.

Andre gave Draco one final kiss. “I hope that your boyfriend appreciates you properly.”

After Andre had exited back into the club proper, Draco rested against the wall again. He looked towards Harry and raised his eyebrow. Harry badly wanted to touch him, but it wasn’t time for that yet, so he simply gave Draco a small bit of heat to let him know that he was pleased.

Draco smiled slightly and let his eyes wander over the other men in the corridor. Most of those who had been watching him earlier had returned their attention to their own activities, but the wanking man - who had come when Draco had - was still staring at him. When Draco looked his way, the man started forward, but Draco gave him such a withering glare that he stopped in his tracks and scurried away shamefacedly.

Harry already knew who he wanted Draco to have next. He waited until Draco’s gaze fell on the right man, then gave him the sign.

Draco did a double-take, then turned his glare in Harry’s direction. Harry heated up the bracelet again. Draco looked back at the man, who was tall, lanky, and ginger-haired, and said under his breath, “Absolutely not.”

Harry increased the heat. The redhead looked a lot like Ron, and something deep inside Harry’s gut wriggled pleasantly at the thought of watching Draco suck him off. He’d had fantasies about Draco and Ron together, but he knew he’d never be able to stand it in real life even if Ron hadn’t been married to Hermione. This bloke was close enough to be similarly arousing without being threatening.

When Harry didn’t let up, Draco shook his wrist in irritation at the sting. “You’re sick,” he muttered before pushing off the wall and heading in the redhead’s direction.

Harry didn’t pay his protests any mind. If Draco had been truly too uncomfortable with the idea of having sex with the man, he would have used the safeword they’d established for exactly that purpose. He just liked to be difficult.

The redhead was absorbed in watching a man giving a handjob to a boy who looked barely old enough to be in the club at all, and he didn’t notice Draco approaching until Draco was pressed up against his side.

“Hi,” Draco purred.

The man was so shocked by Draco’s touch and his flirtatious tone that his jaw dropped a little. “Er…hi,” he said cautiously. Besides the Irish lilt, he even sounded remarkably like Ron.

Draco lightly ran his hand from the man’s collarbone to just above his waistband. “You look lonely.”

“I - er, maybe.”

Inching his hand down so that it rested on the man’s belt buckle, Draco said, “I’d like to help you with that.”

The redhead’s eyes widened. “You…what?”

Draco worked the buckle open smoothly with one hand. He leaned in and whispered, “I’m very good with my mouth.”

“Merlin.” The man’s stunned expression clearly conveyed that he couldn’t quite believe this was happening to him and thought he might be dreaming.

Harry grinned. He loved it when Draco went full-on slut.

Draco dropped gracefully to his knees, opening the man’s trousers and freeing his cock. It was long but not very thick, proportionate to his body. Draco wouldn’t have any trouble with it - he hadn’t been lying when he’d said he was good with his mouth. If anything, good was an understatement.

Draco gave the shaft a few slow strokes with his hand while he kissed the head softly, sensuously, then licked a circle around the corona. He kissed and licked his way down the man’s cock, stopping to suckle at his balls for a moment before working back up. By the time he finally took the cock into his mouth and started sucking properly, the redhead was already gasping for breath as if he were running a marathon.

“You…you…oh, fuck,” he stammered. “That’s so…” His words trailed off into a heartfelt groan.

Draco answered him with a small moan of his own, sliding his mouth down further on every stroke until he’d taken the entire length, his nose pressing against the man’s groin. He used one hand to caress the man’s balls; the other clutched his thigh for balance.

Having been the recipient of Draco’s phenomenal blowjobs countless times, Harry knew exactly what the redhead was feeling - the sensation of the head of his cock hitting the soft back of Draco’s throat again and again, the wicked tongue working against the underside, the moans that vibrated up through his shaft and into his core. But the best part wasn’t Draco’s technical skill; it was the eagerness with which he sucked, giving the impression that he’d never enjoyed anything more than having your cock in his mouth.

The man’s head rolled restlessly from side to side against the wall while his hands scrabbled uselessly at the smooth surface, searching for something to hold on to. Without pausing in his efforts, Draco reached out and took one of the man’s hands in his own, guiding it to rest on his head.

The implication was clear. Tentatively, the redhead put his other hand on Draco’s head as well, then began thrusting his hips shallowly. When Draco made an encouraging noise instead of pushing him away, the man’s thrusts became faster and more confident, fucking Draco’s mouth in earnest.

Harry’s breath sped up as he watched Draco being used like the little slut he was. He knew he couldn’t put his own orgasm off much longer; the ache in his balls was starting to cross the line from pleasant to painful. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since they’d arrived at the club, but it was definitely longer than he usually went without relief.

He was distracted from his thoughts by the redhead’s increasingly ragged groans. The man suddenly jerked and cried out, hands clutching at Draco’s hair as he shoved his cock in to the hilt and came down Draco’s throat.

Once Draco had swallowed it all and pulled off, the man slumped bonelessly against the wall, looking dazed. Harry would have bet his Invisibility Cloak that he’d just received the best blowjob of his life - it showed on his face.

Draco got to his feet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Feel better?” he said with a smirk. His voice was hoarse.

Now that he’d come, the redhead seemed to have lost whatever confidence he’d gained during the blowjob. “Er, yeah, thanks,” he said, his face red from both orgasm and embarrassment. “Do you want - is there anything I can -”

Harry chilled the bracelet.

“I’m fine,” said Draco. “Have a lovely night.”

He turned and walked away, leaving the redhead gaping after him. Harry wondered if the man would even believe that the encounter had really occurred. Incredible blowjobs from gorgeous blond strangers who didn’t want anything in return were the stuff fantasy was made of, not reality.

Harry followed Draco into the club’s restroom, which was otherwise empty. He spelled the door shut and dropped the Notice-Me-Not spell.

Draco turned to face him, and Harry could see that his boyfriend was aroused again. His cheeks had that lovely pink flush, and he was holding himself tensely, as he often did when he was trying to keep his lust in check.

“I think you made that bloke’s night,” Harry said. “Maybe even his year.”

Draco leaned back against the counter, affecting a nonchalance that was completely transparent. “Did you like it?”

“You know I did.”

“He looked like Weasley.”

Harry’s skin prickled with pleasure at the reminder. “A little.”

“Do you think about me and Weasley together, then?”

“Sometimes.” Harry started moving closer to Draco, who watched him with darkened eyes.

“I didn’t know you were attracted to him,” he said, a bit accusatorily.

Harry stepped right up against Draco, bracing his hands against the counter on either side so that Draco was trapped between them. “I’m not. It’s the thought of my best friend fucking my insatiable slut of a boyfriend that turns me on.”

Draco closed his eyes as a small shiver went through his body.

Harry lowered his lips to Draco’s neck, kissing him softly before dragging his mouth up to Draco’s ear. “You look so good when you’re getting fucked. I’ve never seen anyone who loves taking a cock as much as you do.”

“Harry,” Draco breathed. His hands moved to grip Harry’s arms tightly.

“And you love knowing I’m watching, don’t you? Watching you spread your legs or get on your knees like an overpaid whore - giving away what belongs to me.” Harry punctuated that with a squeeze of Draco’s swollen cock.

Draco whimpered, pushing his hips into Harry’s hand.

Harry squeezed again. “Don’t you?”

“Yes!” Draco squirmed against him. “Yes, I love it, I love being a slut for you -”

Harry kissed him hard, forcing his tongue into Draco’s mouth and biting at his soft lips, the taste of the redhead’s come driving him mad with the need to mark his territory. Draco allowed his mouth to be possessed, unable to do more than simply accept the almost violent kiss. Then Harry pulled away and grabbed Draco’s hips, turning him around and pushing him over the edge of the counter. Draco yelped in surprise.

“Feel that?” Harry asked, breathing hard as he pressed his erection against Draco’s firm arse. “That’s what watching you get fucked by other men does to me. You’re going to do two more, and then you’re going to come home with me and take care of this problem you’ve caused.”

“I caused?” Draco said indignantly.

Harry leaned over to bite the nape of Draco’s neck even as he pushed one hand up Draco’s shirt to pinch his nipple reprovingly. Draco yelped again.

“All right!”

Harry licked the bruise he had created and gave Draco’s arse a gentle smack before backing off, putting some distance between them and letting Draco stand up.

“You’re such a brute,” said Draco, straightening his clothes.

“You wouldn’t want me if I wasn’t.”

Draco rolled his eyes, but he didn’t deny it.

“Go on back out there,” Harry said. “I need a few minutes to cool off.”

After Draco had left the restroom, Harry turned on the tap and splashed cold water on his face and the back of his neck. He took a few deep breaths, trying to conjure up the most disgusting thoughts he could in order to dampen his arousal. He decided to let himself come during Draco’s next encounter; he’d still have plenty of time to get hard again before he took Draco home.

Through his pin, Harry could hear Draco ordering a bottle of water at the bar. He recast the Notice-Me-Not spell and slipped out of the restroom just as a group of rowdy, drunken men barged inside it.

Back in the main room of the club, Harry resumed his position against the wall, watching Draco down his water and rejoin the dancers on the floor. He spent a very pleasant twenty minutes or so taking in the sight of his lovely boyfriend drawing every eye in the room towards him. Draco was completely in his element as the center of attention, and he practically glowed with satisfaction. He never turned anyone away for a dance, and he was very generous with the kind of liberties he allowed them to take, but whenever any of the men started getting a bit too frisky, Draco would simply switch his focus to someone else.

Harry’s attention sharpened when Draco was approached by two gorgeous, olive-complexioned men who drew him between them to grind in a manner that was closer to dry-humping than dancing. The men were about Draco’s height, with broad shoulders and nice solid muscles that piqued Harry’s interest.

In Italian-accented English, the man behind Draco said, “You are a very talented dancer.”

“You’re not bad yourself.”

“I am Nicolo,” said the man, then gestured to his partner. “This is my husband, Salvatore.”


“Today is our third anniversary,” Salvatore said, sliding his hands over Draco’s thighs as his husband pulled Draco’s arse more firmly against his hips.

Draco raised his eyebrows. “Congratulations.”

Nicolo kissed the side of Draco’s neck. “We are looking for someone to celebrate with us. You might say it is our…tradition.” He gave Draco’s arse a squeeze so as to leave no doubts as to his meaning.

Harry inhaled sharply. It had been a while since he’d seen Draco have a threesome, and it was one of his favourites. He immediately signaled Draco his consent.

He must have been a little overenthusiastic, because Draco winced slightly before recovering his usual smooth composure. “I’d love to,” he said.

Salvatore grinned and leaned in to kiss Draco passionately. Nicolo watched them with hot eyes, one hand on Draco’s hip and the other on his husband’s side until Draco broke the kiss and turned his head to meet Nicolo’s lips with his own. Salvatore kissed Draco’s throat, keeping their hips moving in the same slow, steady grind.

When Draco pulled away to catch his breath, the two men kissed over his shoulder, deep and wet and intense. Draco moaned softly.

Nicolo ended the kiss with a bite to his husband’s lip. “Shall we take a room?”

“Yes,” said Draco.

Harry followed them into the corridor as they went in search for an empty room. A Notice-Me-Not spell wouldn’t work if he wanted to watch them unobserved in private, though - he needed something stronger. With a couple of wordless flicks of his wand, Harry dropped the spell and replaced it with a powerful Disillusionment that was almost as good as invisibility. Unlike the Notice-Me-Not spell, Disillusionment was most emphatically against the club’s rules, but it was extremely unlikely that anyone would find out.

He slid into the room right behind them and took his place in the corner as the three men fell onto the bed, kissing and groping.

Salvatore stripped off Draco’s shirt and ran his hands over Draco’s chest and stomach. “Such perfect skin,” he said. “Like milk.”

All three of them quickly divested themselves of the rest of their clothing, allowing Harry to feast his eyes on a mouth-watering expanse of bare, masculine flesh. The Italian couple was extremely fit, with sculpted muscles and trim waists, and they moved with an easy, confident grace that was very similar to Draco’s own. There were plenty of wizards who would pay to be in Harry’s position right now.

Nicolo discovered Draco’s plug with a pleased chuckle. “You like to be fucked, hmm?” he said as he twisted it slowly.

Draco, who was kneeling between the two men, gave a little gasp and spread his legs wider. “Yes, I do.”

“Good.” Nicolo pressed a kiss against his shoulder. “Because I like to do the fucking.” To his husband, he said, “Do you want his mouth?”

Salvatore dragged his thumb over Draco’s flushed, damp lower lip. “I cannot imagine any man not wanting this mouth.”

Underneath his arousal, Harry felt a rush of pride.

Nicolo removed the plug and tossed it aside on the bed, then urged Draco forward onto his hands and knees, rubbing and squeezing his arse with both hands. He spread the cheeks wide and eased his cock in.

Draco breathed in shakily at the slow penetration, and Harry had to clench his teeth to keep back his groan. All restraint forgotten, he dropped his hand to his cock and began to rub furiously through his trousers. He didn’t dare take it out; the Disillusionment wouldn’t hide his come.

As Nicolo set a measured, unhurried pace, Salvatore knelt in front of Draco so that his hips were level with Draco’s face. He lifted Draco’s chin with one hand and used the other to guide his cock into Draco’s open, panting mouth.

At the sight of Draco speared on two cocks - and loving every minute of it, the filthy slut - Harry could no longer hold back. He bit his hand hard to muffle himself as he came hard into his trousers, two hours of intense sexual frustration finally finding relief. The orgasm seemed to go on forever, and when it finally ended, Harry felt weak and limp and incredibly satisfied. He slid down the wall to sit on the floor, concentrating on keeping his breathing from becoming loud enough for the men to hear.

It seemed doubtful that they would have heard him anyway. The room was filled with the sounds of sex: moans of pleasure, wet sucking noises, the slap of flesh against flesh. Nicolo and Salvatore moved effortlessly in sync, sliding in and out of Draco’s arse and mouth in perfect counterpoint, and Draco had no trouble taking them both.

Draco’s bracelet was charmed to let him know when Harry came, and the knowledge made him eager, almost frantic. He rocked between the two men, his sighs and gasps partially muted by Salvatore’s cock but still audible. They stroked his skin and hair as they fucked him, murmuring obscene compliments in both English and Italian.

When Harry had regained his wits a little, he cleaned himself with a wordless spell and settled in to watch. The warm, pleasurable burn low in his stomach let him know that it wouldn’t take long for him to get hard again - not with such a magnificent show going on just a few metres away.

Salvatore suddenly pulled out of Draco’s mouth, and Harry’s spent cock twitched at the noise of protest Draco made.

“I want to come on your pretty face,” Salvatore said breathlessly as he wanked himself. “May I?”

“Fuck,” said Draco. “Yes, do it.”

Salvatore began to jerk his cock in quick, rough motions. Without the need to be careful any longer, Nicolo increased the speed and force of his thrusts, making Draco writhe and grip the bedsheet.

“Come on him, mio amore,” Nicolo said. “He wants it.”

Salvatore groaned and did just that, his come splattering across Draco’s nose and cheeks and mouth. Draco licked the come from his lips with a sound of pleasure.

As Salvatore dropped from his knees to sit on the bed, gasping for breath, Nicolo buried himself completely inside Draco and stopped moving. Draco whined and tried to get him moving again, but Nicolo’s iron grip on his hips prevented that. Keeping Draco’s arse snug against his pelvis, Nicolo sat back on his heels so that he was kneeling upright with Draco straddling his lap.

“Here,” he said, “like this. That’s right.”

Draco started to move up and down, a look of bliss stealing over his face as Nicolo’s cock slid further inside him than it had been before. He braced his hands on Nicolo’s knees and picked up the pace considerably. Nicolo helped by holding his hips to balance him as he thrust up from beneath.

Watching Draco enthusiastically riding Nicolo’s cock with that rapturous expression and his face still dripping with come made Harry’s cock start rising again. God, when they got home he was going to fuck Draco’s brains right out of his head.

Somewhat recovered from his orgasm, Salvatore moved up in front of Draco and began to kiss and lick the come from his face. When he had gotten it all, he turned his attention to playing with Draco’s nipples and stroking his cock, seeming to delight in all of the noises he could get Draco to make.

“Please,” Draco panted. “I need to come, make me come -”

Salvatore gripped Draco’s cock and began to wank him purposefully, obviously thinking Draco had been speaking to him. But Harry knew better - those words had been for him and him alone. He ran his finger over the pin, making Draco’s bracelet pulse with heat. Nicolo twisted his hips just right, and Draco came with a scream.

He slumped forward into Salvatore’s arms as Nicolo thrust furiously into his own orgasm. While all three were thus distracted, Harry slipped out of the room, back into the corridor.

This was one of his favourite parts of the game. Harry dropped the Disillusionment and waited until the heavy breathing he could hear inside the room had quieted a bit before assuming an angry expression and slamming the door open.

Draco yelped in mock surprise as Nicolo and Salvatore jerked upright.

“You dirty fucking slut,” Harry said to Draco. “I knew I’d find you here.”

“Hey!” Nicolo shouted in outrage. “What the fuck do you think -”

Harry ignored him. “I go away for two days and you can’t even keep your legs together for that long?”

“Harry, I can explain -” Draco started.

Nicole and Salvatore looked at him in shock. “You know this man?” asked Salvatore.

“He’s my boyfriend.”

“But you wouldn’t know it from all the other men he fucks,” Harry said with a snort.

The two men exchanged a look that clearly said they didn’t want to get caught in the middle of a domestic dispute. “We were not aware he had a boyfriend,” said Nicolo.

“It’s not your fault. He does this all the time.” Harry glared at Draco. “You’d think he was being paid from all the cock he takes on a regular basis.”

Salvatore cleared his throat. “We - we will just leave you to it, then.”

He and Nicolo gathered their clothes and practically bolted from the room. The second the door closed behind them, Draco burst out laughing, and Harry couldn’t help but smile himself.

“You’re very good at playing the jealous lover,” Draco said.

“And you’re very good at playing the desperate slut.” Harry moved closer to the bed, amusement fading to be replaced with burning desire. “Although it’s not all playing on your part, is it?”

Draco shrugged, his eyes tracking Harry’s every movement. He was sitting with his feet by the edge of the bed, leaning back on his hands, and his skin glowed with the aftereffects of orgasm.

Without warning, Harry grabbed Draco’s ankles and yanked hard, forcing Draco flat on his back and pulling him forward so his arse was at the edge of the mattress. He used his grasp on Draco’s ankles to push his legs far apart, putting his well-used hole on display. Nicolo’s come was still trickling down his thighs.

“Look at that,” said Harry. “Full of another man’s come. What am I going to do with you?”

Draco didn’t try to get away or even to close his legs, looking up at Harry with his need and want plainly evident on his face. “I would suggest that you take me to our bed and remind me why you’re the only man who will ever truly satisfy me. But perhaps you have other plans?”

Overcome by Draco’s words, Harry accidentally gripped his ankles too tightly, and Draco flinched. “Sorry,” Harry muttered as he let go. “I just…you’re so…” He couldn’t find a way to adequately express what he was feeling, so he lowered himself on top of Draco and kissed him thoroughly.

Draco immediately wrapped his legs and arms around Harry, giving back as good as he got. Harry kissed his way down Draco’s neck and over his shoulder, liking the feeling of Draco’s naked body against his own fully-clothed one.

“Harry,” Draco said softly. “Harry, take me home.”

Harry gave his shoulder a final kiss and then stood with some difficulty. “Okay. You’re going to have to get dressed, though, because I can’t Apparate us from inside the club.”

Draco sat up and reached for his shirt. “Can you clean me up first? I don’t want to go home with that man’s come in my arse.”

Harry sent a cleaning spell over Draco that would remove every trace of the men who had come before, even their scent. Draco twitched irritably.

“It didn’t have to be quite that strong.”

“Yes, it did,” Harry said. He picked the plug up from the messy bed and put it in his pocket. They wouldn’t be needing it again tonight.

He waited impatiently while Draco finished dressing, then took him by the hand and practically dragged him through the club. The second they had passed the anti-Apparition barrier, Harry Apparated them both directly to their bedroom.

He tossed both their wands onto the bureau and then pulled Draco back into his arms. They kissed as best they could while they undressed each other, hands tearing at clothing with little regard for potential damage. When they were both naked, Harry tossed Draco onto the bed and climbed on top of him, rubbing their cocks together.

“Can you come again?” Harry asked.


“Are you sure?” Harry reached down with one hand to stroke Draco’s hole, mindful that the cleaning spell had gotten rid of the lube. “You haven’t had enough cock for one night?”

Draco looked at him seriously. “I never have enough until it’s you,” he said, and tugged Harry’s head down for a kiss.

Harry closed his eyes, surrendering to the heaven of Draco’s touch and taste. He needed to fuck Draco now, needed to reclaim him, needed to prove that of all the men Draco had had tonight, he was the best. He Summoned the lube from their nightstand and poured some into his hand.

Draco was still well-stretched from his previous fuckings, so Harry just slipped a couple of lubed fingers inside him to get him wet again. He couldn’t resist a few teasing strokes against his prostate, and Draco pushed up into his hand with a desperate moan.

Harry slicked the rest of the lube over his cock and then lined it up with Draco’s hole. He was the only man Draco ever fucked like this, face-to-face - the others only got to take him from behind. Harry was the only one who was allowed to watch Draco’s face while he fucked him. He savoured that knowledge as he pushed inside.

Draco’s shuddering inhalation made Harry lose control a bit, and he shoved his hips forward forcefully. Draco cried out and tightened his legs around Harry’s waist.

“Want me to fuck you hard?” Harry said hoarsely.

Draco nodded, words already beyond him. His eyes were closed and his hands ran mindlessly over Harry’s shoulders and arms.

Harry began to thrust aggressively, at just the angle he knew Draco liked best, and he was rewarded with lovely, sobbing moans. “You like it rough, don’t you, slut?” he growled. “Like to have your arse pounded full of cock.”

Draco’s fingernails dug painfully into Harry’s shoulders as he began snapping his hips up to meet Harry’s. He made an incoherent sound of agreement.

“But you like it best when it’s me,” said Harry. He needed to hear Draco say it. “Tell me.”

“Y-yes,” Draco managed to get out. “It’s always you, please, I need -”

Harry removed Draco’s legs from his waist to throw them over his shoulders, leaning forward so that Draco was bent in half, knees against his chest, and Harry was as deep inside him as he could possibly get. Draco shrieked, his body thrashing.

Harry didn’t slow down or let up, fucking Draco with everything he had. Draco was his, and Harry wanted, needed him to know that. He slammed his cock into Draco’s arse again and again, catching his prostate more often than not, until Draco’s voice started to crack from the screaming.

Draco came unexpectedly, his entire body shaking with violent release, and the contractions of his arse around Harry’s cock were enough to push Harry over the edge as well. He shouted Draco’s name as he spilled himself deep.

When he had nothing left to give, Harry collapsed on top of Draco and kissed him lazily. “I love you,” he said.

“Love you too,” Draco mumbled, sleep already overtaking him. He didn’t even twitch as Harry pulled out and rolled to the side.

Harry pulled the blanket over them and watched Draco fall into an exhausted sleep. He curled up against Draco’s side, putting his hand on Draco’s stomach. The scratches Draco had left on his shoulders and back stung pleasantly.

Harry knew that it was odd, this game they played. He knew it was strange that he enjoyed watching his boyfriend have sex with other men, and he couldn’t have begun to explain it. But Draco liked it, too, and if anything ever changed - if Harry started getting jealous, or Draco became uncomfortable - he knew they would stop.

Until then…the game would go on.

harry/draco, fic

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