Today Feels Different...

Mar 04, 2004 16:04

You are smart and witty.

You love to travel around, and there is nothing that can stop you.

You can beat just about anybody with your wit, and it would not be wise for

them to enter a verbal banter with you.

You love fantasy and tend to choose that over reality.

Take the Which Everquest Class are you? Quiz! Designed by Sorgaine LunasGlory - Walkers of Vazaelle

So today is Thursday, I had to think about it because I haven't had to juggle a schedule this week with work YAY~ No shows this week and thats ok with me. I leave for Atlanta on Saturday afternoon for a work meeting that start on Sunday. I will be home Tuesday afternoon. Trying to decide how to tell my Vice President... I am taking new job :o) !!! Not sure if I will slowly phase out of this business or if I will stick to it on a smaller scale...we will see. It would almost be fine with me if I never had to deal with it all again...sighs.

I talked to the owners of the karate studio and they are officially offerng me a job, and I will start assisting at more of the preschool classes to train. The basics we have talked about so far include heading the preschool outreach program and earning 70% of the enrollment fees collected. $45 a kid/10 kids in each class 6 wk session, I think/. 1 hr session each week. Which means I have time to do 5-6 sessions if i wanted to. 5 sessions with 10 kids would be $1575. Plus I will be on staff at the dojo helping teach there. So more detail on money to come, and also how soon we can get things going. So I will hang in with what I have going with my business now for the time, but im not busting my ass to load my schedule like I have.

Talked about some other ideas of things they would like to implement. Some dealt with afterschool mentoring programs with kids 10 and up instad of them going to like latch key. They come to the dojo, get home work support/tutoring *was a private tutor for 7 years* and have an after school karate session. Really interesting prospect.

I said to Virginia (mrs sensei) , amazing how I have experience in all these areas you are looking to expand to. She says its not a coincidence, its meant to be.. God brings things at the time we need them. *smiles* I haven't felt this good in a long time guys. Something very hopeful in this. I feel like a relief of stress already. Blue wolf said I have been fighting to make something work that wasn't meant to. I used the term fighting to swim upstream. Im tired of fighting to only gain inches.

so thats the news for now. I am off to assist at the jr karate class. I will be back tonight. love you guys.. xoxo
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