Once the initial passion wavers, once this shiny new toy rusts, I'm gonna try to make this a weekly thing. After all, it's a lot faster than writing longhand and getting distracted with doodling on the margins. And I like to keep track of time. I'm an airhead. I need something physical, tied up and bound, to prove the days. With my old journals I'd make the first entry a list of things to come, weather aspirations or necessities, so I guess now would be a good time to do it. That and a little update. I think I'll just try to merge em both.
UNO: Alexia's lawyer said that Barrack will change immigration policies in May or June. If an illegal has been here for more than ten years, they pay a fine of $5,000 and get a green card. I've been here 15 years. I will work my ass off to get the 5 grand if it's true. A determination so vicious I'll cut down whatever's in my way. So please let it be true. Besides, it's a genius idea for the government. How many people like me are out there? The goverment desperately needs that money, and illegals like me--with no criminal records, with full schooling here, with better english than natives--have done nothing but feed into the economy. We want to buy into the system. Literally. And we've been here over ten years... we're obviously fucking staying here...
I'm gonna call her lawyer for more info. That way I won't have to deal with jackass Mario anymore or make things even more uncomfertable with Jeff. Then I won't feel like a prisoner in this country.
But still, I feel like it's too late for some things. Three years ago I really thought I was going to a good college. I had six fat letters of recomendation from my teachers, stacks of brocures, and a dreamy, monumental college reflected on my eyes. I still remember how upset it made me. Somehow, my teachers saying I could have the school of my choice made it worse. I had the capabilities, but something out of my control stopped it all. But I haven't lost all determination. I still want to do everything I had in mind with my life, even if it's by my own path. Just thank God I want to be a writer instead of a doctor or something I really would have to go to school for...
DOS: I'm probably joining a band, Malibu Stacy. I'd always hoped to start a band with Mindy, but... she never comes back to Vegas like we plan. (If she does come back after the baby's a little older, we'll deffinantly have to do something then.) I'll be the guitarist, backup vocals, and take part in songwritting. They're a little softer and pop-ier than I really want, but I might be able to punk it up a bit. Either way I'm psyched about making music, and it might just be my first taste of it instead of a very long commitment. The other members are girls, Cami and Lex. We get along but I haveta say they're even crazier than me. (Imagine!) The filler drummer is Chris, who I coninsidentaly already met via his band, Grocery Store Rejects, who are a fucking blast. So I know I get along with him.
TRES: My writing, of course. I sent off two short story submissions to Maisonneuve, and will hear back in about 5 weeks. I need to sent off more, though. I will bombard the literary magazine world with my messenger pigions. Ha! I will have a foot-tall stack of rejections and eventually a couple acceptions. Yay. Also, I need to start quering for an agent. It's a little nerve-wrecking to think, but nothing'll stop me. >:) hehe. I've already started a list of who I'll query first.
All in all a lot of things are starting to blossom. It should be an exciting year, most deffinantly better than last, ha. Things are already way better. I can't wait.