Resolutioners - bring em on!

Dec 31, 2014 12:47

Just my favorite time of year - when the "lose weight" crowd of resolution-setting folks show up in droves at the gym.

People will be annoyed at the volume of people, lack of parking, machines taken, perfume belched, and all sorts of wtf oddities that come with the inexperienced.

Me, I love 'em. I consider them the base of the pyramid. Without them, I'd have to make my own gym or pay $400 monthly for the 5 squat racks I can play with. They pay a full year of fees in advance, set up auto-pay, and even pay the (snicker) initiation fee. Many of them, after they stop coming to the gym before the end of January, will continue to pay their fees - some for years.

Now granted, some will stay. Some will "lose weight," while others will learn some sort of athletic training program or maybe even play a sport. That's awesome too.

Me, I'm happy to put up with a crowd for a month so the next 11 give me a big empty gym on the cheap.
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