It's a Christmas Miracle!

Dec 13, 2006 11:14

Well, not quite. Sure seems like it to me, though! =D

I saw the ortho today. After getting x-rays taken of my knee(I had to get 4, each in a different position), I got taken back to the waiting room. The nurse was a bit confused at first, since Mom and Sis were in the room, and she thought I was supposed to be in a different room. After reassuring her that I was with them, she took Sis to get some x-rays of her toe.

Shortly after Sis got back, the ortho came in. He looked at Sis's toe first, and said it looked like the reduction(when they put it back in place), had been done well, and she could start walking on it when she felt comfortable doing so.

He then pulled my x-rays up(they have a very neat digital system to examine records. :), and zoomed in on one of the x-rays. A line can be seen if you look really hard,and it extends from the top of the tibia down the bone and to the side. Most of that was an "occult" fracture, and what we were seeing was the signs of rebuilding. The whole time I was feeling nervous, wondering what the heck he was going to say. When he said, "That's good," I couldn't help heaving a small sigh of relief.

I'm now allowed to walk on my own two feet, without use of the crutches, though I have to wear the knee brace at all times. I managed to walk out of the building without tripping and falling on my face. ::feels proud::

However, the only differences to what I can do is that I CAN use the elliptical, I CAN do dismounts into the pit, I CAN do splits, and I CAN walk without crutches. That's about it for now though. After I see him in late January, I should be allowed to run again. Yay! =D

gymnastics:injuries:knee, gymnastics:injuries, gymnastics:, life:crutches

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