It's hard out here for a cripple..

Dec 12, 2006 19:16

lol, it seriously is, especially when you've got 2 of them. xD Our poor parents are running around like crazy, trying to feed us and get our notebooks, pens, etc. I never realized how much freedom I'm used to until I got my crutches.

It's very hard when we are left here at home, and mom's either sleeping after working a nightshift, or both she and dad are at work. Sis and me get hungry, and we have to try and find something to eat that we can manage to get over to our seats without creating a major mess. I've got a little bag that goes on my back, but I'm still limited on what I can carry (It doesn't help that mom and dad are trying to make me do a 3rd week of Phase 1 of South Beach Diet, which means no bread at all. Sorta hard, since PB&J on a wrap is one of the few things I can manage to carry. =P)  Definitely not the funnest thing in the world.

So I go to see the ortho tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll take x-rays of my knee, see nothing wrong with them, and allow me to stop using the crutches! But, if the x-rays don't look good...
I don't know what'll happen. When I first saw him, he said he might end up putting rods in my leg, putting me in a cast, or both. Neither one of them is good. 
And I'm really hoping that the bruise on my knee will have completely faded by tomorrow, but you can still see it. I really don't think hopping one-footed, let alone tripping and falling flat on your face(though I told my mom I hit it on my doorframe so she wouldn't freak out.) is considered letting it heal by the ortho. Maybe he won't notice? ::crosses fingers::

I've gotta think up a list of questions to ask the ortho about what I can and can't do IF I get off of my crutches, or else when I can start doing them. Hmm...

family:sister, gymnastics:, life:crutches

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