BREAKFAST - Frittata with homemade Pesto sauce [257 calories]
SNACK 1 - My protein shake/smoothie [238 calories]
It's delish! I know it's in a Starbucks cup but it's not from Starbucks. My little sister works there so she brings me cups and straws because it makes me feel good that I don't need no stinking Starbucks, lol.
LUNCH - Turkey on honey whole wheat [380 calories]
*sorry not pictured* but my tummy will tell you "it was yummy!"
SNACK 2 - Kiwi fruit with hard boiled egg [116 calories]
Such a weird combo I know but it was good. Just don't interchange while you're eating... meaning eat all the eggs then move on to the kiwi. Don't kiwi, egg, kiwi, egg. That would be troubling :0)
DINNER - Lemon curd roasted chicken w/brown rice [453 calories]
*and spinach, garlic, onions and mushrooms*
Soooooooo good!!