Is it really that hard? - Day 4

Feb 04, 2009 16:03

Or am I just THAT out of shape?

OMG! I almost blacked out during today's cardio workout. WTF? I mean really like seeing black spots and feeling light-headed and dizzy. Jeez. I seriously had to sit out a few reps and after about 15 minutes I was ready to start again. I even half assed the ab workout, well not the entire thing just certain moves. I thought I was in better shape than this but I guess the body just had to re-adapt. Which is both good and bad, good because this is something new for the body so I won't hit a plateau anytime soon. Bad because it's like I'm back to square one after a whole year of consistently working out... *sigh*

Really bad with the food today. My brother made fried food and I had myself a helping... I can't wait until the 25th when I will HAVE to give up all things fried. But even before then I still would like the motivation and the will to slowly wean myself off. We'll see. Now I'm going to pester my sister to take my before pictures. Oh and I keep forgetting to take my measurements...

journey: chalean experience, chalean extreme/burn intervals, chalean extreme/ab burner, workout: chalean extreme

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