
Jan 04, 2010 15:15

inquilinic: (adj) Describes an animal, usually an insect, that lives in the nest or abode of another, with or without harm to the host.

croat: (n) 1. A native or inhabitant of the former Austrian province of Croatia, now forming part of Yugoslavia; one of a race descended from the people which occupied that country in the seventh century.
2. A soldier of a former French cavalry regiment, composed mainly of Croats.
3. The language of the Croats.

main gauche: (n) A dagger carried in the left hand to parry a stroke or thrust, and used in conjunction with a rapier.

snaphance/snaphaunce: (n) 1. An armed robber or marauder; a freebooter or highwayman; a desperate fellow or thief.
2. An early form of flint-lock used in muskets and pistols; also, the hammer of this. (Frequently contrasted with firelock (= wheel-lock), but the distinction is not always observed.)
3. A spring catch or fastening.
4. A spring trap.
5. A musket, gun, etc., fitted with a lock of this kind, in use in the 16-17th centuries.
6. A soldier armed with this form of gun.
7. A ready answer or argument.
8. A woman of low character.

eagre: (n) A tidal wave of unusual height, caused by the rushing of the tide up a narrowing estuary; Chiefly with reference to the Humber (and Trent) and the Severn.

brassard: (n) 1. Armour for the upper part of the arm.
2. A badge worn on the arm; an armlet.

virtu/vertu: (n) 1. A love of, or taste for, works of art or curios; a knowledge of, or interest in, the fine arts; the fine arts as a subject of study or interest.
2. 'man (or gentleman) of virtu': a virtuoso.
3. 'article, object, piece, etc., of virtu': an article such as virtuosos are interested in; a curio, antique, or other product of the fine arts.
4. A special branch of this study or interest.
5. Collectively: Objects of art; curios.
6. The distinctive qualities inherent in a thing or person.

unctuous: (adj) 1. Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; oily, greasy.
2. Of meat: Greasy, fat, rich.
3. Characterized by the presence of oil or fat.
4. Of ground or soil: Of a soft adhesive nature; fat, rich.
5. Of vapours, etc.: Partaking of the nature of oil or grease.
6. Having an oily or greasy feel or appearance. Also of feel, touch, etc.
7. Characterized by spiritual unction (in later use especially of an assumed or superficial nature); complacently agreeable or self-satisfied.

clintonia: (n) The genus Clintonia contains the bead lilies, which flower and then fruit into berries. Plants of this genus are distributed across North America and eastern Asia. This genus was named after De Witt Clinton, an 18th-century botanist and U.S. politician. The genus include plants without stems, growing from underground rhizomes. They have elliptic, clasping leaves with parallel venation and flowers arranged in small umbels.

gambado: (n) 1. A kind of large boot or gaiter, attached to a saddle, to protect the rider's legs and feet from the wet or cold. In later use sometimes applied to leather leggings or overalls fastened with clasps.
2. A bound or spring (of a horse).
3. A fantastic movement, as in dancing or leaping about; a caper.
4. Any sudden or fantastic action.

homaloidal: (adj) In Geometry: Of the nature of a plane; flat.

paregoric: 1. (n) A pain-relieving or soothing medicinal preparation, especially an opiate.
2. (adj) Of a medicinal preparation: relieving pain, soothing.
3. (phr)'paregoric elixir': camphorated tincture of opium (tincture of opium containing camphor, benzoic acid, and anise oil), used originally as an analgesic, later as an antispasmodic and for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms in newborn infants of narcotic-addicted mothers.

definitions, language

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