Nov 26, 2009 14:15
costive: (adj) 1. Suffering from hardness and retention of the fæces; ‘bound’ or confined in the bowels; constipated.
2. Of medicine or food: That confines the bowels, ‘binding’.
3. Slow or reluctant in action; especially in speech or utterance: close, reticent, uncommunicative;
4. Reluctant to give, niggardly, stingy.
5. Given with reluctance or sparingly.
6. Hard and impervious.
trull: (n) 1. A low prostitute or concubine; a drab, strumpet, trollop.
2. A girl, lass, wench.
yare: (adj) 1. Ready, prepared.
2. of things; in later use, (of implements) ready for use.
3. 'to make yare': to make ready, get ready, prepare
4. Alert, nimble, active, brisk, quick.
5. Of a ship: Moving lightly and easily; answering readily to the helm; easily manageable.
cantle: (n) 1. A nook or corner; a corner-piece.
2. A projecting corner or angle of land.
3. A corner or other portion cut or sliced off; a shiver, a slice.
4. A section, or segment, cut out of anything.
5. A thick slice or ‘cut’ of bread, cheese, meat, or the like.
6. A segment of a circle or sphere.
7. A part, a portion (viewed as separate).
8. The protuberant part at the back of a saddle; the hind-bow.
9. 'cantle bar': a bar in the saddle of a camel, in place of the cantle.
10. The crown of the head.
luff: (v) 1. Nautical: To bring the head of a ship nearer to the wind; to steer or sail nearer the wind; to sail in a specified direction with the head kept close to the wind.
2. To bring the head of (a vessel) nearer to the wind.
3. In yacht-racing: To get the windward side of (an opponent).
4. To obstruct (an opponent's yacht which is attempting to pass to windward on the same course) by sailing one's own yacht closer to the wind.
5. To attach (the anchor) to the ship's luff.
6. To alter the inclination of (the jib of a crane or derrick); to raise or lower in a vertical plane. Also with adverbs, as 'luff in', to raise (the jib), so moving the hook nearer to the operator; similarly 'luff out'.
lated: (adj) 1. Overtaken by lateness of the night; hence, overtaken by darkness, benighted.
2. Detained beyond the usual time, coming or staying too late; out of date, behind date.
nick: (v) 1. To make denial.
2. To deny (a thing); to disavow, refuse to acknowledge (a person).
3. 'To nick (with) nay': to answer in the negative.
muss: (n) 1. The mouth; a person's mouth. Used playfully, especially when speaking to a child.
2. A game in which small objects are thrown down to be scrambled for; (hence) a scramble. Also in extended use.
3. A girl or young woman. Chiefly as a term of endearment or affectionate form of address.
4. A disturbance, a row, an affray.
5. A state of untidiness or disorder; a muddle, a mess; messiness, confusion. In later use often idiomatically in collocation with fuss.
discandy: (v) To melt or dissolve out of a candied or solid condition.
estridge: (n) ostrich.
caressante: (adj) 1. Affectionate.
2. Soft.
scorbutic: (adj) 1. Of or pertaining to scurvy; symptomatic of or proceeding from scurvy; of the nature of scurvy. Of a patient: Affected with scurvy.
2. Of articles of diet, remedies, etc.: Good against scurvy, anti-scorbutic.
hautboy: (n) 1. A wooden double-reed wind instrument of high pitch, having a compass of about 2 octaves, forming a treble to the bassoon.
2. Humorously applied to a clyster-pipe.
3. A reed-stop on an organ.
4. One who plays a hautboy.
5. In Forestry: Lofty trees, as distinguished from shrubs or underwood.
6. A species of strawberry (Fragaria elatior), of taller growth than the common strawberry, and having fruit of a musky flavour.
turpitude: (n) 1. Base or shameful character; baseness, vileness; depravity, wickedness.
2. Foulness, offensiveness, unsightliness.
3. In plural: instances of the above.