
Mar 31, 2009 15:10

kebbock/kebbuck: (n) In Scots: A cheese: sometimes denoting a special kind, that is, made with ewe-milk mixed with cow's milk.

moidered: (adj) In Irish English and Northern Dialect: Confused, muddled, stupefied.

blate: (adj) In Scots and Northern Dialect: 1. Pale, ghastly.
2. Void of feeling, physically insensible, feelingless. (Perhaps, like a dead body).
3. Void of spirits, abashed, having the courage blunted or daunted, spiritless, timid.
4. Not ‘sharp’ in discernment, stupid.
5. Blunt in manner, curt.
6. Bashful, backward, especially from natural diffidence or awkwardness; slow to come forward or assert oneself; diffident, sheepish, shamefaced.
7. Of a fight, a market: Dull, slow.

graidly, gradely: (adv) 1. Promptly, readily.
2. Carefully, exactly; properly; quite, really; well.

mort: (n) 1. A large quantity or number; a great deal.
2. 'a mort' (adverbial phrase): a great deal, a lot.

loup: (v) In Scots: 1. to leap (in various senses).
2. 'loup-the-dike': (adj) giddy, flighty.

strid: (n) The proper name of the narrowest part of the channel of the Wharfe between level rocks at Bolton Priory; hence, any similar gorge or chasm.

caird: (n) In Scots: A travelling tinker; a gipsy, tramp, vagrant.

gauvison: (n) 1. a stupid fellow, one deficient in mental capacity
2. an awkward and staring man or woman.

tawpie: (n) In Scots: A foolish, senseless, or thoughtless girl or woman; 'idle tawpie': a slattern.

dwam, dwalm: (n) In Scots and Northern Dialect: A swoon, a fainting fit.

clack: (n) 1. Din of speech, noise or clatter of human tongues; contemptuously, loquacious talk, chatter senseless or continuous.
2. A loud chat, a talk.
3. The tongue.
4. A loquacious person, a chatterbox.

mardy: (adj) In Northern Dialect: Usually of a child: spoilt, sulky, whining, moody. Also in extended use.

loppards: (n) In Scots and Northern Dialect: Curdled milk.

heriot: (n) 1. Military equipments.
2. In English Law: A feudal service, originally consisting of weapons, horses, and other military equipments, restored to a lord on the death of his tenant; afterwards a render of the best live beast or dead chattel of a deceased tenant due by legal custom to the lord of whom he held. Applied to analogous payments in other countries. Also figurative.

definitions, language

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