Mar 25, 2003 17:15
I'm curious, I'm not preaching. I was raised in a religion where we were taught that what the Bible says about sex before marriage is the way it is. In fact, people get thrown out of my religion for "fornicating", unless they show that they are truly repentant. So, I'm just wondering - how do people in other religions justify sexual activity outside of marriage? Is it that they think the Bible is out of date and doesn't apply to them anymore? Or just that God will forgive them no matter what they do, so they might as well commit sins?
I'm not damning any of you - frankly, I don't know who's "active" and who's not, nor do I want to, but I want to understand, particularly among teenagers, what do your churches say about it? Do they care that the Bible says not to, or has it become okay now? And if it is okay, how does one explain scriptures like"abstain from fornication"? I know that most of you are religious, or at least profess to be, and I want to understand why so many people have sex like it's no big deal. Do you just confess (Catholic) or pray and not worry about it?
I'm not directing this at anyone, I'm just wondering what you think...