Mar 10, 2009 23:58
so the new Cornell album is out today. and as stated before, i did not buy it. however, apparently a digital copy of it came with the ticket i bought to the NYC show. they're really marketing this differently; almost desperately, really.
::shrug:: if there was a Soundgarden reunion tour announced and on sale tomorrow, every single show would be sold out in a matter of minutes. everything from that time period has been coming back, and people would flip shit over it. in the words of George Carlin: "i consider it a lost opportunity."
the mouse i have plugged into my laptop is having a serious argument with the stupid keyboard button mouse thing and it's making the pointer fly around all over the place. that shit's frustrating. i think i wanna find the driver for the keyboard mouse and uninstall it completely.
today has been the Crazy Day of Epic Conversations. and Weirdness. from waking up this morning (not that i ever really slept because I was up most of the night talking, etc. with Tyler) and the crazy-long talk with Judah that started completely out of nowhere, and getting things clarified a bit with Snowboard Mike, and then NY Matt randomly telling me surprising things nearly 5 months after the fact, and then Amber kind of breaking my brain with shit i never knew, and then there was an incredibly long, misguided, and utterly fucktarded email from someone i would be very happy to never have to see again...
::is ded from brain leakz::
Dear Universe:
Most of this has been pretty freaking awesome, and I can see a little of the methods behind your madness. I am very appreciative of how the truth has come out in veritable *floods* since getting this tattoo... and I am appreciative, as always, of the fact that you listen to anything I have to say in the first place and do what you can to help things along. you are awesome, in the very literal sense of the word.
Seriously, tho. I could use a break. These next few days, I just want to relax and get some things done, spend some time with friends where time allows, and just take a breather. things can get too intense even for me, sometimes. i need to take a step back and let things simply fall where they may. then we can pick back up again sometime over the weekend, or maybe wait til next week.
I am tired. it is the best kind of tired, which comes from living and experiencing life fully. I have the burns, bruises, rugburn, and bitemarks from the past week to prove that i have definitely been keeping busy. :P but now it's time to chill... so i would greatly appreciate if you could avoid allowing anything else randomly insane to be dropped into my lap for the next 3 to 5 days or so. i just wanna climb back onto the charger and get basic shit taken care of... pretty soon the show will start, Judah will be back and that sorting-out shall commence, Tyler's party and all that lighting and unfolding of who-knows-what will be going on, and then there's the CC show in New York & my tropical shindig... And before I know it, things'll be off and running with 4Q season... and i have a lot i want to do for Wickerman this year. :)
*Not* having some kind of nervous breakdown due to sheer overstimulation + lack of sleep would be phenomenal. this may be the best and longest shot at recharging that i will get for at least a month. I thank you in advance for allowing it to actually happen.
~~With Love from Gwyddon