
Jan 18, 2008 13:43

Oh, flist that knows everything, I come to you with a question. I need to put up some kind of very basic web site with my resume, so that I can link to some of the work I've done that's available online (or put up some samples in hyperlinked pages, though I don't have a lot of that, as so much of what I've worked on was print). I have a domain and web site through A-plus that works well for me, but even though I'm paying a lot of money for the domain and such, I really don't want to connect my work stuff with my fannish stuff in any way.

I kind of hate the thought of having to pay yet more money to get another site and another domain. I can't use the one I get from my ISP, as that's already in use for my fanfiction (I never expected to get a fan site for vids this way, otherwise I'd have consolidated them long ago, but the idea of moving hundreds of stories over to the domain site with the vids and paying more money for more space makes me go into a slight fannish coma).

Are there any decent free services left out there where I could put something like that up? Would you recommend anything? I once had some stuff on geocities, but they gave me the blues, although since I wouldn't be dealing with copyright issues, I suppose things might be different.

Or should I just bite the bullet and get yet another domain? I can't even keep track of all this stuff! I have my home address, my Yahoo address, my gmail address, my vids site, my fanfic site... gah!

I'm just not sure where to go with this. I've never really had to do this kind of thing for work before, but if I intend to start freelancing more, having a resume that's easy to pass along and view for my contacts would be integral. I just... am running out of money, and running out time, and running out of a job!
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