(no subject)

Jan 15, 2008 10:36

Ooo, sdwolfpup had a great TV meme today that I am gakking and filling out, because I don't want to think about things like impending joblessness and etc. I'm sure it will contain spoilers because so many people think even your opinion is a spoiler, so you are warned.

Also, there is still time to send me anonymous comments in her vidding truth meme -- you can say nice things or tan my hide, or both, and stay hidden!

Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid
1. Laredo. A semi-comedic Western where the hunky guys wore even tighter pants than Jim West. No, really. It was also probably my first fandom.
2. The Wonderful World of Disney. Hey, it was the '60s. There weren't any other good shows on for kids like us. My sister and I used to beg to stay up and "watch the over." The end credits were our favorite, I have no idea why.
3. The Monkees. I am still a fan of the Monkees. So shut up.
4. Capt. Puget. It was a local show from this guy who had a long history with local broadcasting, and he used to do the show from his boat. When we lived in Anacortes on a bluff overlooking some of the lower San Juans, we could see him on our TV and on the water if we ran to look out the window. We thought that was kinda cool.
5. It Takes a Thief. Alexander Mundy was SO suave and SO debonaire.

Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory
1. Spock
2. Winters AND Nixon from Band of Brothers
3. Spike
4. Charlie Jade
5. Mal, Jayne, Zoe, Simon, Wash... yeah, pretty much the whole team on Serenity.

What? No, No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows
Um, this one is actually quite difficult for me. I don't watch stuff I feel bad about. TV is all about the good for me.
1. Dante's Cove. I blame sdwolfpup and mlyn.
2. HGTV's Design Star. I hate reality competitions, but I keep hoping I will learn design tips when it's on. I really don't like it, though!
3. Save My Bath. The designer on the show is just annoying as hell, but I love to see the hideous bathrooms people get stuck with in their houses, and what she does with them.
4. Days of Our Lives. I don't really feel guilty about watching soaps, because, you know, shut the fuck up, people who watch other crap and then look down their noses at soap-watchers, but I end up feeling guilty about it because so many people I know are so fucking snotty about it.
5. Wild card -- I really have no idea but I'm sure I could feel guilty about anything.

Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget)

1. Sonny Crockett shooting the (ostensibly unarmed) man who killed his wife, in cold blood, and walking away, on Miami Vice.

2. Lt. Castillo answering the question Tubbs poses about who a woman in a photograph is with, "She's my wife." Another Miami Vice classic! That whole episode, the two parts, was unforgettable, especially Castillo choking a man with one hand, the other hand in his pocket.

3. When Mal hits the floor in Out of Gas on Firefly, and the light comes across his face, and the cut to the light of the opening door as Mal remembers showing Zoe Serenity.

4. When Fraser, at the nadir of his existence, refuses to help an old lady whose purse has just been stolen, On Due South in Victoria's Secret. Yeah, I've heard the criticism that it's a corny setup, but... I don't care. The look on Fraser's face, the way he chokes back that he can't help her... god. Oh, Fraser, you break my heart.

5. When the camera cuts around the corner at the Bronze, and that song "Goodbye to You" is playing, and we see Buffy and Spike kissing. I'd read spoilers for it, and it still took my breath away, and OMG my Spuffy heart was beating so hard! Tabula Rasa, BtVS.

"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart
1. The Monkees theme
2. Well... Fraser's "Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs"!
3. The Mary Tyler Moore show's song. I even know all the lyrics to the first-season version, which is different from the subsequent seasons ("but it's time you started living/ Time you let someone else do some giving..."
4. "You Can't Take the Sky From Me" Firefly
5. "Due South, that's the way I'm going..."

Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into
1. Supernatural
2. Stargates SG1 or Atlantis
3. Dancing With the Stars
4. American Idol. Do not get.

The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV (I usually just go for the TiVo, because sitting down to watch TV for me usually involves reading, writing, or doing something else while the TV is on. Really watching is a TiVo recorded show event.)
3. FX or maybe TNT
4. HGTV (did I mention I watch a lot of HGTV?)
5. Sci-Fi

This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out Of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without (I'm just going to focus on characters of shows I watch, because otherwise I'd be pissing people off by naming all these currently popular characters koffwinchesterkoff on shows I don't like.)
1. Cordelia Chase. There are many Cordy moments I love (wishverse, anyone?), but overall, she was someone I would not have minded losing on either Buffy or Angel.
2. Fiona on Keen Eddie. I don't know -- Sienna Miller was great in the role, and I know they felt they had to have a potential love interest, but I just never really warmed to the character, and sometimes she just grated so much I couldn't stand her. I love some of the stuff with her, but other stuff, hated.
3. The Six in Baltar's head on Battlestar Galactica. I grew tired of her pretty much instantly. I much prefer the real-life ones.
4. For that matter, Gaius Baltar. I hate that the machinations required to keep him on the show are so patently obvious, and makes all the other characters look stupid for not seeing through him.
5. Livia on Journeyman. I felt like she was the show's really weak link. She was just really flat, no chemistry with Kevin McKidd, and after the first episode, felt kind of unnecessary.

That's What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate

1. When Ray Vecchio on Due South talks about math story problems and says that the only answer he could ever come up with was "Who cares!" Oh Ray, you are my soulmate.

2. "A man got to have a code." Omar on The Wire.

3. "I figure if a friend collects, I get the last laugh." Vin to Chris on the Magnificent 7 when he's telling Chris, whom he's only recently met, what to do to collect a bounty that's on him, in case he gets killed. And then Chris twinkles at him.

4. "Have you ever considered a career in Southern law enforcement?" Sonny Crockett to Rico Tubbs on Miami Vice, inviting him to stay in Miami.

5. "I like people. They're like little Happy Meals on legs." Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

5.5 And it's not really a quotation, per se, but I still get chills looking at the "God Is Now Here/God Is Nowhere" on Miracles.

Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of (I also took this to be "shows I can--and do!--rewatch at the drop of a hat")
1. Firefly
2. Buffy
3. La Femme Nikita
4. Miami Vice
5. Keen Eddie

Happy birthday, klia!!!!

miracles: god is nowhere, charlie jade, lfn, buffyverses, the wire, meme, due south, fandom, keen eddie, band of brothers, tv, firefly, freeze! miami vice, so are the days of our lives

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