The World is in our Heart

Mar 16, 2011 17:18

It is a time of great challenge internationally. A challenge faced by the remaining workers at the nuclear power station in Fukiushimatrying to safe what's left. A challenge faced by the thousands of Japanese people who have to deal with the results of the Tsunami, the earth quakes and the nuclear disaster that's likely to come. A challenge witnessed and felt by millions all over the world. Though I'm living in Germany, a place that is supposed to be unaffected by the disaster in Japan as far as the "experts" are concerned, I am deeply moved and concerned. As a Pagan, a person with some basic knowledge about how ecosystems work and a psychic, I know there is nothing happening on the Earth right now, that is not affecting everything else. We are one Earth organism, one body and flesh and what is happening in Japan, North Africa, China, the US, Germany and at any other place on this globe is happening in each of us.

Some days ago I wrote on Facebook: "Revolution and Evolution are not happening to us. They are happening by us. There is no separation. We are the world. All of us. What does that mean to you?" To me it means, that I can't close my eyes from the pain of the person next to me, because this person is my Self. It means that I cannot shut down my heart in face of the fear and panic felt by millions, because they are my Self. It means as well that I cannot shut down my heart in face of the beauty of the waxing moon or the first spring flowers nor in face of the courage and love shown and manifested by thousands who hold there heart open all over the world. It means that the compassion in my heart must be able to hold everything. As long as we only invite a part of the world into our heart, we are co-creating the patterns of separation that do us harm as an interconnected planet and Self, because by blocking things out in the outside, we are blocking things out in the inside as well. And these very same patterns of separation are the root of war, of environmental crisis and of the cultures that create unhealthy life styles that include nuclear power plants among other things.

What am I suggesting here? I'm suggesting that we turn at least half of our attention from the outside to the inside, from terror to love. We need to continue to witness what is happening in the world at large, but we must not get carried away by the images and sounds to a place of fear, blame, guilt or other forms of further separation. Let us open our hearts instead to embrace whatever comes towards us with compassion and fierce love. Because only when we open compassionately to all that is, letting it enter us, we can truly hold the whole world in our heart and bath it in love. And this is the most healing act most of us can do right now, if only for a moment.

trigger, truth, pain, love, law, self

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