Penis Poem the first

Feb 14, 2011 15:08

Since I decided to start my own personal SEX-revolution here's a little taste of it (inspied by the lovely "Vagina Monologues").

Penis poem the first

My penis is an arrow
pointing to the sky,
the pursuit of his longing
is what I know him by.

Struck by a bolt of lightning
coming from the stars
he rises up delighting
despite all prison bars.

Fueled by age old amber
that's passed from man to man,
in joy I do surrender
to strock my painted fan.

There is no sin in loving
nor touching what is mine
nor sharing what I have to give
for truly it is mine.

And no one may take ever
what's my delight and base,
this serpent will forever
rise with delight and grace.

poetry, sex, passion, penis, pride, power, self

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