(no subject)

Mar 28, 2016 01:55

* "California Becomes First State To Make Sexual Consent Lessons Mandatory In High Schools Beginning Next Year:" http://www.ischoolguide.com/articles/28325/20151006/california-state-sexual-consent-lessons-mandatory-high.htm

* "A Woman Was Threatened With Handcuffs After She Refused to Remove Her Hijab in a Library:" http://mic.com/articles/138969/a-woman-was-threatened-with-handcuffs-after-she-refused-to-remove-her-hijab-in-a-library?utm_source=policymicTBLR&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social#.nzqPvCpTX

* O.o! "Historically Authentic Sexism," got a "Useful" and a reblog from Ellen Kushner! No wonder there's been a ton of activity! Just under 500 notes in the last few days. O.o

* Tavy spent the rest of the night exploring and running back for attention. Eventually, squirrel let LM out and there was much excitement. You see, my bed, the sofa, the cat cave, my chair, and the pouf are all non-conflict zones. That means first come first serve seating and people are not allowed to fight there. (I do allow a hiss and a bat in situations where a cat has been startled or another cat accidentally jumps on or encroaches on the other cat). Outside of the limited self defense clause, the rule is very strictly enforced. LM knows this. She knows crossing me over this means she will lose. So there were a series of sporadic encounters with her trying to scare him out of common areas and him mostly resisting my running to a different common area segment. In one of the lulls, he was on the pouf for pettins when she spotted him there and was outraged! Only she knows better than to go after him there. He of course has no idea he's on the equivalent of a base in baseball. So I give him support, making sure she saw that I as clowder head, think he has a right to be there. So she sat and growled at a distance, until she got bored and wandered off. he thought he'd won, and made an exploratory foray into her room, before darting off to do more sniffing about the living room. He tried it again later and must have run into her, as he was out like a shot seconds later and off to my room. By the end of the night he was running to hide in the cat cave or on the pouf next to me when there was conflict, complaining vociferously to me about the world in general, and periodically demanding I pick him up for a cuddle and purr. Seriously, he's already a cuddle monster.

I think he's going to be just fine.

* "The Economics of Westeros:" http://www.tastefullyoffensive.com/2016/03/the-economics-of-westeros.html

* The Crash Course Philosophy series is hard for me. I was a Philosophy monk for just over two years and there is a reason I dropped out and moved west. Oh, I learned a lot there, one way or another, more outside class than in, and it was a necessary step to me ending up where I needed to be, but a lot of bad shit went down there and some of it left scars. Trauma is far too strong a word, especially when you compare it to the nearly a decade of my Grim little war that proceeded it. Joy said something like, "St. John's wasn't kind to you." It certainly was not. It wasn't just the bullshit with admin that lead to us having to threaten a discrimination lawsuit, using the the letter they sent threatening me with housing discrimination to punish me for wanting them to turn the heat on in my half of the dorm in Winter (There was heat on the other side of the hall and other buildings. Meanwhile, our toilets would freeze overnight and we had to pile all our clothes on the bed for warmth), or them turning off the water for weeks at a time but refusing to give us portapotties, or the endless rounds of me generally getting the short end of the stick educationally, or the creepy ass prof who openly wanted to fuck me in a way that made everyone else in that particular mandatory class hate me while I waited for the inevitable point he'd push far enough I'd have to refuse at which point he would pretty clearly turn on me (We were not allowed to change classes), and all the other official bullshit of which these are tip of the iceberg examples. There was a lot of incredibly ugly stuff that went on privately as well. Again, It's not as bad as nearly a decade of institutional abuse punctuated by psychiatric abuse. It's not as bad as that biker gang putting us on trial my senior year for how we loved. Way worse things had happened to me than my first college could level, but going from one incredibly abusive educational institution to a second slightly less abusive educational institution was likely not ideal. Add in things like being ostracized by nearly everybody my second year because of some things beyond my control, or that guy that was mutilating animals and turned out to be a rapist who managed to convince people I'd done it despite having clear alibis (part of how I got ostracized. The animal mutilation, not the raping, which didn't come to light until he was gone), or the two year slow car crash relationship where Vaneleanor like we couldn't leave each other the fuck alone like sensible folk, so we'd get sucked into each other's orbit periodically and hurt each other good before careening off again, or the upper classman stalker I could do nothing about, or a million other bits of ugly that made up my experience of that place and time. A person doesn't have a recurrent nightmare for literal decades that they have in a fit of what really only could be madness, re-enrolled at my first college. It's not a fear of being unprepared for school dreams, which aren't a thing for me. (I am rl really good at faking tests on topics I know little to nothing about. They are amusing challenges to me, not anxiety producing things.) It is a dream of being trapped on the wrong cost in that place and it's endless escherlike circular logic and hypocrisy, the dreariness of always knowing what everyone is going to say because everything has been chewed and rechewed so often that there is nothing new to think or say.

I used to love philosophy. I can do philosophy type things when I need to and did repeatedly at my second and third college when I needed to, but I stopped enjoying it, despite have a brain that tends to enjoy things like formal logic, much as my school as a child did everything possible to make me hate math despite my brain really enjoying doing things like geometry and algebra. (I have often described the school where I went K-12 as a massive aversion therapy program for math). To me, philosophy is like being stuck in quicksand, endlessly sucking one down into suffocating darkness and the more one struggles the more trapped one is.

I am watching them anyway. It's good for me to have a refresher and Crash course is coming at it from an entirely different angle. Also, one of the deals I made with myself long ago, is to periodically do desensitization when I can and am up to it. They are small doses, after all. they don't actually hurt. It's just watching them, there is always a piece of me flailing about for fear of being sucked into a bog I escaped two and a half decades ago.

For the record, I know St. John's was good for a whole lot of people. It just happened to be unhealthy for me.

* "Stephen Colbert and Paul Dinello -- The Devil Went Down to Georgia (on Bassoon):"

image Click to view

* EBAYs, Relist:

DIVERSIONS IN THE CHASHITSU 2014 (LE, Lupercalia, Shungas): (Company Says: Green tea, yellow sandalwood, apple blossom, and white bamboo.) just Below Label Top. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301907642671?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

BUT MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER THAN LIGHT 2009 (LE, Yules): (Company Says: The world will love its darkness: cistus labdanum, ginger, East Indian patchouli, pimento berry, oakmoss, saffron, smoky vanilla, sage, myrrh, and bitter clove.) 2/3 Full. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301907644719?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

* Zimbabwe has joined Ethiopia in disaster level drought People and animals are dying. Want to help? https://www.wfp.org/help

* "How to help Flint, Michigan:" http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/how-help-flint-michigan

* Want to help finance my meds/medical co pays? Paypal Lethran@gmail.com

* Donate to help refugees: http://donate.unhcr.org/international/general

* A list of LGBTQA Charities: http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/604042.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

islamaphobia, memories, consent, ebay, music, books, economics, cat

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