(no subject)

Aug 31, 2015 04:19

* "Will Bush's comments affect the Asian American vote?:" http://on.msnbc.com/1icaUQF

* "Report: Companies making millions off lead settlements:" http://on.msnbc.com/1UmlIHL

* "Megyn Kelly demands Cornel West explain why #BlackLivesMatter doesn’t protest black-on-black violence :" http://www.salon.com/2015/08/25/megyn_kelly_demands_cornel_west_explain_why_blacklivesmatter_doesnt_protest_black_on_black_violence/

* "How Black Lives Matter began with Katrina:" http://on.msnbc.com/1ErMQ6G

* "The environmental problems in NOLA:" http://on.msnbc.com/1ia49yG

* "Addressing the Katrina 'victory lap':" http://on.msnbc.com/1LJrEeK

* "Maybe If...:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2015/08/maybe-if.html

* "Rep. Hunt Wants to Look at Transgender Kids’ Genitalia:" http://dakotafreepress.com/2015/08/24/rep-hunt-wants-to-look-at-transgender-kids-genitalia/

* "How America’s Most Useless Crop Also Became Its Most Commonly Grown One:" http://io9.com/how-america-s-most-useless-crop-also-became-its-most-co-1724553276?utm_expid=66866090-43.E9Bjfd6NTuSlXJewu2e_Ig.0&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fdigg.com%2F

* Half my small city lost power mid dayish Saturday. My section, having most of the all night businesses and an above average population of night owls, was lowest priority to fix. Of course. Everyone else got their power back in the course of the evening, all before midnight. We got power back at some point between 4:30-5:00 AM. By then I had not had a lung treatment in something like 22 hours and the tanks needed urgent attention. I was also starving. You would think I would be well rested, but Hector is scared of the dark and despite the wind and rain it was just slightly too hot for sleeping. I did get a few hours here and there during the outage, but not enough. Never heard of a cat who is scared of the dark? Hector has very bad eye sight. It is better than it was when we rescued him (he used to run head first into walls he couldn't see), but it's not great. He sees about as well as I do without my glasses and he is small and nervous and he can't spot another cat waiting in ambush in the shadows. It being true dark in large portions of the apartment was terrifying to him and with the mild dementia, he kept forgetting where he left me, which made things worse. On top of that, all the routines were disrupted and the apartment sound profile was wrong. As a result he kept needing rescue and or reassurance.

Obviously, that meant no TV or internet for us, and I am behind on everything. On the up side, the frozen food is fine. (The ice cream was pleasantly soft, but still had shape and coherence with no actual melted to liquid bits). The fridge did less well and I'll need to check for spoilage. We broke another of my grandmother's plates. Sigh. I lost my shows, of course, including two old school Doctor Whos I won't be able to get back. I'm not sure what else was set to record. Two tank filters failed and I was down to one working back up. I can only hope a good cleaning will revive them.

I did finally hear from the state. I no longer have to pay property taxes, which puts us back up to subsistence again. I did get a small rebate, but not what I had expected. Once we pay Squirrel back and the several of you I owe money, and my overdue medical copays, that is pretty much it. I did blow twenty of it on a warm dinner as we had to go all the way up Meridian to deposit it, and I suspected with the scale of the outage it would be quite some time before I could make food here. Boy was I right. When I got home, I read on the porch until the light failed despite the driving rain periodically blowing in. I spent my teens living in a place where we had an outage every time we had a good rain, which meant 5-8 times every November-December, plus random outages the rest of the year for storms and Drunks knocking down the electrical poles. I am anal retentive about candles and battery lanterns, so I am well supplied. There are often fallen branch or tree hitting power line issues here in the Windy season (All Autumn). I lent a lantern to Squirrel and read off an on all night between naps. I finished the Restoration plays that needed to go back to ILL, decided another ILL was not for owls, then read most of a Mercy Thompson.

* Black Sails Rewatch, VIII

1. I think the theme of this episode is breaking the rules. Flint, Dufresne, Silver, Jack Rackham, Max, and most of all Charles Vane.

2. I love that Charles Vane is applying the very lesson in power that Eleanor taught him to his combined courtship of and war with her. So ironic. so right.

Honestly, I can't think of much else to say beyond those two things, so I'll stop here.

* "Black Sails Rewatch Chat (I-VII):" http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/127944574977/black-sails-rewatch-chat-i-vii

* Commentary on the Chat commentary: http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/128019805117/realmofvane-gwydionmisha-i-think-you-are

* "The Capaldi Conundrum: How We Attack the Female Gaze:" http://gwydionmisha.tumblr.com/post/128018774287/the-capaldi-conundrum-how-we-attack-the-female

* Dark Matter Episode Twelve Realization: The teenage girl's struggle for pretty muh the whole season is to get the adult men to admit she has agency and a right to make decitions for herself. Now both adult women characters are dealing with the question of whether they are human enough to have friends. O.o

* Dark Matter Episode 13: You can really see the power dynamic of the crew. Two, Four, and Six are the leaders. When the chips are down the less powerful members sought alliance. I am confused as to why Six guarding One when one of the crew went down didn't automatically prove it wasn't him, though. He was the only one we and 2 and 3 knew it wasn't. (I am paranoid enough I wasn't convinced the poisoning couldn't be self inflicted and a dose made deliberately short acting, and was irritated they didn't double check sick bay just in case.)

* Ebay, One More time:

Lindworm 2012 (LE, DragonCon, Event Exclusive): (Company says: Smoky green leather smeared with crushed grasses and wild herbs). 3/4 Full. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301718133830?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

* A list of LGBTQA Charities to donate money to instead of seeing the racist Stonewall Movie that decided to portray a black trans woman activist as a cis white man. http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

* Trying to stay afloat until September: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/554247.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

racism, cons, trans*, ebay, sexism, life, right to pee, corporate crime, environment, tv, election, disaster

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