(no subject)

Aug 27, 2015 06:58

* I selected this one as it's not graphic and doesn't glorify the shooter. That is my policy generally in these matters. "Maddow: Local journalism always necessary, some days heroic:" http://on.msnbc.com/1fHgE33

* "Trump mocks Asians, Latino voter approval plummets:" http://on.msnbc.com/1i3nAsU

* On the expense of being a woman: http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/127048504875/bernie-sanders-scolds-reporter-for-hair-remark

* Not surprisingly, given the recent death, it's all St. John's dreams again.

* Black Sails rewatch episode 4, Clarification:

Likely Richard figured Flint/Hamilton out, as he was reading the book, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have still been trying to keep up appearances as they might not know he figured it out.

Frankly, the depth and subtlety of the advance planning on this show and attention to detail blows me away.

* Black Sails rewatch episode 5:

1. First time through I thought Anne's reaction to Max's abuse was about her vulnerability in a man's world despite her being one of the most dangerous people on the island. Now i know her back story, it's so much more intense. I thought Jack Rackham deserved the thwack the first time for being an insensitive jerk, how much more so because he KNOWS where Anne came from. In retrospect, I think this is the first crack in their relationship, the moment when he shows in that small but important way that for all his comparative flexibility regarding gender roles and the like, he still is fundamentally part of a patriarchal culture that devalues women.
2. I wish I had a gif set of Captain Charles Vane talking about Eleanor Guthrie and power, because I think something really profound just happened there in that little monologue.
3. I love how the Andromache battle is handled, not just the battle itself, but the preparation and aftermath. I love the Pirates putting on their scary costumes, and all the little details like the false teeth. I love Billy explaining the battle to the men, with Flint in the far background. I love how the battle plan shows how good Flint is at the actual Captaining in battle part. He really had to know wind and sail and how ships move in a variety of conditions to make that work. (So much of this show is about the politics of captaining, that's it's important to remember the tactical seamanship involved too. It pays off so beautifully in season 2 when they are fighting their way home. You need to know that Flint is this precise flavour of good at it for that to pay off.) I love how ugly and brutal and real that battle looks, it's desperation and filth and utter lack of glory. Another man's brains and blood in Dufresne's mouth, the flies in the aftermath.
4. I love Billy handling Dufresne. You can see him all through episodes four and five particularly trying to learn command on his feet and not trying to let them see how insecure he is with it, while being wildly insecure with it. I think .it is the moment when he lies to Dufresne that he finally gets it. It's in that moment that all the things Mr. gates and Captain Flint have been telling him over the course of five moments snaps into place, both the thing about confidence Flint told him earlier during the pursuit, and why Flint and Gates lie to the men. It doesn't wipe away his doubts or his conscience, but I think this is the moment his facade clicks into place, sewing the seeds for the back half of season 2. I love Dufresne thanking him after for the lie, being clever enough to see it really was for his own good.
5. Apparently, I am still angry about Eleanor screwing over Hornegold in season two after all he did to shore her up. In the consortium scene he really shows why he is still a captain. He is good at the politics. ?You have to be. I think she takes him for granted because he is surface reasonable and easy going and far sighted enough to see why what Eleanor is trying to achieve is important and good for everyone. Right up until he is crossed, and then he is all steel. He would have to be, wouldn't he? I think she forgets that you don't get to be a Captain still alive and in power at his age without being incredibly dangerous and clever.
6. I still can't find the right words to talk about the hold full of slaves and the fragility of Mr. Scot's position. I need to think seriously about his arc, and I'm not ready to talk until later in the rewatch, I think.
7. I love the contrast with Silver trying to talk Eleanor out of her guilt and pride both, followed immediately by Jack trailing Vane completely failing to sway Vane because Jack has no idea what is going on in Charles' Vane's head. Jack rackham is cunning, but john Silver knows people the way Flint knows wind and sail.
8. I still think John Silver is the most dangerous person on the whole damned island.

* Black Sails has everything I wanted from Game of Thrones.

* "Great Mistakes in English Medieval architecture:" https://stainedglassattitudes.wordpress.com/2014/08/10/great-mistakes-in-english-medieval-architecture/

* Boomers: http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/127084246580/alexisafuckinnerd-scumbag-baby-boomer-memes-are#notes

* Ebay, 2ish days, no bid:

Lindworm 2012 (LE, DragonCon, Event Exclusive): (Company says: Smoky green leather smeared with crushed grasses and wild herbs). 3/4 Full. http://www.ebay.com/itm/301718133830?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

* A list of LGBTQA Charities to donate money to instead of seeing the racist Stonewall Movie that decided to portray a black trans woman activist as a cis white man. http://awkward0w1.tumblr.com/post/126399233673

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

* Trying to stay afloat until September: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/553953.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

racism, middle ages, ebay, sexism, shooting, tv, election, economics, feminism

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