(no subject)

Jun 20, 2015 04:01

* "Dominican Republic to be 'Socially Cleaned' in two days:" http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/06/14/1393198/-Dominican-Republic-to-be-Socially-Cleaned-in-two-days#

* The South Korean MERS outbreak looks to be leveling off, with only one new infection this week. Twenty four are dead, 166 infected. There is one infection in Thailand. This is a disease that's been on my watch list for some time. It's airborne, which is always dangerous, but not that infectious unless you are spending a lot of time in an enclosed environment, like say a car, or a doctor's waiting room, or a bed/hospital room. The small cluster in the UK was a car trip and a hospital room, if I remember correctly. Most of the South Korean cases were caught in Doctor's offices by people in close contact with a sick person. The main vector is infected camels, which is why it is serious as fuck in the Middle east, but why we've managed for a few years with only this one serious outbreak. It is pretty deadly if you catch it, but we are lucky, this isn't even close to cold and/or flu infectious. I am watching the South Korean outbreak carefully. I am hoping that this really is it, and people haven't carried it out of country. I am very sorry for the families of the dead and for the infected. I am taking it seriously, but you don't see me panicking, even though if there were a serious outbreak in my region, odds are, I'd be infected and likely dead of it. This is because while I do live near Seattle, with it major international airport, I think there are decent odds of there not being a serious outbreak here, absent a mutation that ups the infectiousness. So yes, take reasonable precautions, like you should be doing anyway. Hand washing tends to cut down on things like colds and flu as well. If you are sick, try to stay home and wear a mask when you must go out to see a Doctor, which is just common courtesy. If you have been traveling in an infected area and/or drinking milk from sick camels, definitely see a doctor if you are having respiratory symptoms. Otherwise? Odds are you in no more danger from MERS than you were a year ago unless you have started traveling to infected areas in the last month.

* "New research sounds alarm on global water supply:"

* Malala Yousafzai Interview starts here: http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/bdl9ix/malala-yousafzai-pt--1

* Bill Clinton Extended Interview starts here: http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/idn5r7/exclusive---bill-clinton-extended-interview-pt--1

* "Punishing the poor: Michigan adopts law to take away families’ food assistance if kids miss school:" http://www.rawstory.com/2015/06/punishing-the-poor-michigan-adopts-law-to-take-away-families-food-assistance-if-kids-miss-school/#.VXyhFZoqMT4.facebook

* "Church shooting revives disdain for Confederate flag in South Carolina:"

* "Emanuel AME Church: A symbol of freedom:"

* The text version of Jon Stewart's excellent comments on the terrorist attack in Charleston. I'm putting it in with the serious news and commentary, because that's what it is: http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/121921068545/sandandglass-jon-stewart-on-the-charleston#notes

* "There is no 'Ferguson effect:"

* Sigh. "Fox's Erick Erickson Says Society's Acceptance of Transgender People Blinds It To "Evil" Of Charleston Killings:" http://mediamatters.org/blog/2015/06/19/foxs-erick-erickson-says-societys-acceptance-of/204066

* "Colombia Allows Gender Marker Changes Without Surgery:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2015/06/colombia-allows-gender-marker-changes.html

* "National pilot program to train doctors in transgender health:" http://www.wtsp.com/story/news/health/2015/06/12/national-program-doctors-transgender-health/71120536/

* This is very necessary. Some of you have seen me referring to having to "pioneer a new Doctor." This is that thing trans people have to do, where you go to a new Doctor and get to find out the not not fun way if they are transphobes. Even if they are not shitty human beings, generally we, the patients, are required to educate the Doctor on both Trans 101 stuff and trans specific medical issues. No really. (This goes like quadruple for the mental health provider community, BTW.) Trans patients, regardless of what issue we are going to the doctor for including when we are deathly ill are expected to explain politely about pronouns and dosages. It is often the case that the Doctor knows nothing about trans bodies and has to look up whatever medical situation you happen to be having, which is not particularly helpful the day your blood turns scary viscous or you collapse from an infection or the month (in the case of someone I knew personally) they didn't bother checking if the person was MTF or FTM and reversed all the medications. Even Doctors of good will who do the research when trans patients start turning up are basically teaching themselves a whole branch of medicine. (Doctors of good will will generally get a flood of new trans patients after they treat the first one well, because as a group we have a pretty kick ass word of mouth system because we have to for literal survival reasons. It is super important to know: so and so is excellent with trans women, but discriminates against trans men, so and so is an asshole but will give you your meds only you need to know your numbers and doses because the Doctor will routinely mis-prescribe unless you watch like a hawk, so and so only does meds, so-and-so is full service and treats us like people. People can be seriously hurt or even killed by not knowing this stuff about which Doctors are safe and for what.) Keep in mind that these are medical services people are having to pay for. Psychiatrists think nothing of making patients pay them for the patient educating them on trans issues. Hospitals consider it appropriate and ethical to mock trans patients and let them bleed to death on their doorstep because we aren't really people and so there is no need to provide life saving medical care after car accidents and hate crimes. This is the reality of trans health care in this country and if you don't think that is fucked up you are part of the problem.

* I am officially way sick of every trans news item being gratuitously tied to Caitlyn Jenner. Other trans people exist! Other trans people have been existing for a long time!

* "19 Things People With Chronic Pain Want You To Know:" http://www.buzzfeed.com/laraparker/things-people-with-chronic-pain-want-you-to-know?bffb&utm_content=buffer51821&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#.giX9vz2P4

* "Just 'Cause It's Sad Doesn't Mean You Can Pretend It's Not Happening - No Relief for Haiti:"

The Nightly Show
Get More: The Nightly Show Full Episodes,The Nightly Show on Facebook,The Nightly Show Video Archive

* "Charleston Church Shooting:"

The Nightly Show
Get More: The Nightly Show Full Episodes,The Nightly Show on Facebook,The Nightly Show Video Archive

* Trump Mockery Under the Cut:

The Daily Show
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show Video Archive

The Nightly Show
Get More: The Nightly Show Full Episodes,The Nightly Show on Facebook,The Nightly Show Video Archive

* I am heavily bruised and the rash from the electrodes is nasty, but my lungs are improving a bit. (I am still sick, but I am reasonably functional if i don't overstretch and likely not a danger to healthy people). Today I had to mail the late payer and get goosh for Hector. I added in a library run, as it's near the Post Office. By the time I did those things, fed cats and fish, and made collards I was too tired for much else. Somehow between the early evening watering and sunset, the first lily bloomed. They are late this year as their stems are really long. The first lily was a solo bloom in the maroon that is not quite black. Another looks very close, but is on a multiple head stem. I will check tomorrow.

* "Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 10: Mother's Mercy:" http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/06/game-of-thrones-season-5-episode-10.html

* I have been struggling to find words for my response to the horrible Cersei thing in Game of Thrones. Somebody else has said pretty much everything I could say, only way more coherently than I could manage. http://seananmcguire.tumblr.com/post/121921068545/sandandglass-jon-stewart-on-the-charleston#notes

* I finally made it to season Three of the Arrow. I'm still just not that into it. I don't like Ollie, or Laurel, or Sarah particularly, which doesn't mean the fridging made me less hostile than it generally does. Also, there is some seriously creepy and fucked up Christian Grey Stalker stuff going on with the corporate guy. I keep asking if i like Diggle, Felicity, and the world building to keep putting up wit the problems and the annoying bits.

* This is pretty much my response to this book, except my feeling was not so much "Too long" as I finished the Rat palace section and was all, "Wait, wasn't there a murder investigation we were supposed to be following?" Which is to say, there really was way too much packed in here. It was good stuff, but I think some of the threads would have been better saved for a later installment. I really enjoyed it, but I want to emphatically cosign the complaint about Bethlem and the depiction of mental illness. "Fangs For The Fantasy: The Diabolical Miss Hyde (Electric Empire #1) by Viola Carr:" http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/02/the-diabolical-miss-hyde-electric.html

* Ebay Time:
AUTUMN FANCIES 2013 (LE, Halloweenies): (Company says: Dry grasses bathed in amber light, muted by gentle shadows.) Top of label.: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/301667294922?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

* Want Game of Thrones without the creepy? We desperately need new players. We are very inclusive. "Game of Bones MUSH:" gobmush.wikidot.com

* My RL oldest continuous friend is doing a fundraiser: http://www.gofundme.com/x9g7q2k

* Trying to stay afloat until August: http://www.gofundme.com/cuovws or Lethran@gmail.com

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/537763.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

crime, help, human rights abuses, ebay, genocide, asia, books, tv, election, terrorism, transphobia, id, garden, racism, misogyny, chronic illness, poverty, police, u s history, health, south america, mass murder, epidemic, health care, environment, mush

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