(no subject)

Oct 03, 2013 02:03

* WWII vets barred from the monument dedicated to them as part of the Republican government shutdown:

* Republican Shutdown is hurting the Military and their families:

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* "Your False-Equivalence Guide to the Days Ahead:" http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/09/your-false-equivalence-guide-to-the-days-ahead/280062/

* "Obamacare myths: Small business owners'€™ most common misconceptions about the law:" http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-small-business/obamacare-myths-small-business-owners-most-common-misconceptions-about-the-law/2013/10/01/698f347c-2ad3-11e3-8ade-a1f23cda135e_story.html

* "Ted Cruz Lie Exposed By Student He Used To Attack Obamacare:" http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/09/28/1242168/-Ted-Cruz-Lie-Exposed-By-Student-He-Used-To-Attack-Obamacare-VIDEO?detail=email#

* Republicans want to remind you that 9 million pregnant women and children going hungry as a result of their shutdown is no big deal. After all, no corporations or rich people are going hungry.

* I don't agree with Ben Stein about much, but I'm in complete agreement that denying soldiers in Afghanistan a hot meal when they come in off control out of pure spite is a terrible thing to do. Ditto the Republican plan to default on our debt and crash the world economy in a few weeks out of spite. When Nixon supporter Ben Stein and I agree, it's really time for this shit to stop. Just saying.

* "Osborne's latest unemployment plans:" http://www.sparkindarkness.com/2013/10/osbornes-latest-unemployment-plans.html

* More mocking of Shutdown assholery:

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The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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* Today was cleaning for spot inspection. We did not do all we wanted, but at least the vacuum broke after we did the crucial stuff. All the windows are open with fans blasting to try to dry the carpets. It's chilly and rainy so this is less than ideal.

* Re: Paris Fashion Week:
Vivienne Westwood seems to have gone for aggressively, unrelentingly ugly as their guiding aesthetic.
Valentino had some genuinely interesting ideas, but the execution... Ouch. Not so much.
Elie Saab seems to have turned up with a bunch of wearable clothes mixed in with the near misses and cliches. Isn't that against the rules or something? I thought the point of couture was ugly and unwearable.

* "The Last Trick-or-Treaters:" http://www.rhymes-with-witch.com/rww10012013.shtml

* Tilda Swinton as David Bowie: http://cleolinda.tumblr.com/post/60414766528/yourpatronsaintofdenial-opheliachondriac

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/356431.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

shutdown, art, fashion, cruelty, health care policy, life, politics

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