* Conservative Tony Abbott won in Australia. Damn!
* Tokyo beat out Istanbul and Madrid for the next Olympic games. Istanbul would have been the first Muslim country to host if they had won, but their chances were rated as low what with the Syrian government randomly firing across the border and killing people, the refugee situation and the whole region to the South of them going dramatically unstable. Spain has a 56% unemployment rate for young people and is one of the countries hardest hit in the economic crisis, so passing them over isn't that big a surprise. Of course the Fukishima nuclear disaster keeps getting worse so really there were no good choices here. I'm not surprised Tokyo won, but still, it would have been nice to see another first as far as hosting.
* Dear Tiana Parker, we are proud of your hair:
Visit NBCNews.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy A school in Oklahoma shames a little 7 year old girl over her hair ecause she is African American. The glorious Melissa Harris-Perry wants her to know "Your beauty and choices are limitless."
* Cool unisex bathrooms:
http://lettersfromtitan.tumblr.com/post/55220903169/kvothetheraving-kendra-and-i-were-eating-at-an * "The artist as engineer: we need to talk about infrastructure:"
http://www.theguardian.com/culture-professionals-network/culture-professionals-blog/2013/sep/04/artist-engineer-infrastructure-means-matters * "In Gulliver's Travels, one of the absurd inventions of Laputa is a device for randomly combining words so that "the most ignorant person, at a reasonable charge, and with a little bodily labour, might write books in philosophy, poetry, politics, laws, mathematics, and theology, without the least assistance from genius or study."
Today, we call this "Wikipedia.""
* I really needed and extra week of composting for plotting tomorrow's game. I knew this would be above average hard and was hoping the Castle Labrinth would be towards the end of the welsh passage, but they triggered it early, and I follow narrative where it leads, so we are doing this.
Plotting it is rather like doing the math for a moon landing out on paper. No, not quiet that hard or dangerous to life and limb, but I'm converting a bunch of telemetry from two weeks ago, modified my character plot arcs, filtered through several moving layers of myth and folklore, with deliberate random elements thrown in to shape personalized challenges for each character. Seriously, it's harder than it looks. I ended up doing a running sort of tally thing where I had a set of telemetery and a set of mythic things shorthanded into abstracts, which I then matched up. I took this third line, added the random stuff, to make a forth set of more complicated through lines for all five characters. Luckily, it was at this step where the first character challenge came through clearly, and shortly after the outline of a second mostly came through. I've got an inkling for two more, but I need to cogitate further. Fingers crossed that I'll have worked out all the equations my bed time. Oh, and I need to go over all my notes from the Acorn of Rebirth, since I'm doing the tiger's share tomorrow also. I really did need an extra week.
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