(no subject)

Sep 26, 2012 03:49

* There have been two attacks near government buildings in Damascus. At bedtime, the reports were conflicting as to details. It sounds like an Iranian reporter was killed by a sniper and his bureau chief was wounded covering the bombings. Again, details were really sketchy.

* A supposed charity organization in Nigeria is forcing women to hand over babies they want to keep: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19718084

* Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin vs Claire McCaskill:

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* Scott Brown continues to attack Elizabeth warren on the grounds of race and now his staff are pulling out incredibly offensive racist mocks of Native Americans at his campaign events:

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It is horrifying that this behavior is still considered acceptable by a mainstream political party in the 21st century. Am I surprised? No. Am I disgusted that not only is it going on but most media outlets aren't covering it? Yes.

* Florida Voter Suppression:

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* Greenwick found, "Stigmatizing obesity undercuts effectiveness of public health campaigns:" http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2012/09/24/hlsa0924.htm

* John Stewart decides Mitt Romney is like Charlie from flowers for Algernon:

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* I did get some cleaning done. I also got crappy sleep. The phone call my itself wouldn't have been enough to kill sleep forever, but Hector really hates the phone and was sleeping by it when it went off. Cue me taking what felt like forever calming him down, then feeding him, then having to do meds as it was about that time, then feed Hector again, and by then I was way too awake, so ended up reading half of circle of Enemies, before getting up to cope with some phone calls and errands. Tomorrow and Thursday I have mid sleep cycle appointments I can't miss. I'm guessing no real sleep until Friday. Sigh. Also, a whole new packet of paperwork came for me to try to fill out. I boxed up all the support documents last night as part of the cleaning, which means either digging through the box or getting replacements. *Facepalm* As you likely guessed, I spent most of the evening BPALing, so that was fun at least. Of course hours later I was wondering what was wrong with my body. Apparently, I forgot to hydrate in my excitement over getting two packages in the mail.

racism, elections, news, africa, life, women's rights, voter supression, middle east

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