(no subject)

May 19, 2012 03:31

* I've been struggling to explain the European financial crisis, as you've likely noticed. If you are curious, two people muh cleverer than I am explain it in fairly simply terms here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/

* Anderson Cooper exposes the horrifying institutional abuse of non and semi verbal autistic children. (Includes triggery real footage of children being abused and adults pretending it's not abuse). I do not understand why this isn't illegal. http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/18/outcry-against-schools-shock-therapy/?hpt=ac_bn3

* Mitt Romney wants to remind you that while he has no responsibility for jobs Bane killed, he gets credit for all the jobs Bane saved after he left. Similarly, President Obama is responsible for jobs lost before he was sworn in and the non-partisan economic figures for jobs saved and created by the Detroit bail out are all lies and despite all the evidence really there was a net job loss and anyway Romney should get credit for those jobs created and saved even though he was in favour of letting Detroit go bankrupt. Mr. Romney wants to remind you that any recourse to fact checking is really unfair character assassination, unlike his made up accusations against the president which are fair game.

If the logic in the above paragraph makes your head hurt, it means you are paying attention.

* Mitt Romney also wants to remind you that the Virginia unemployment rate dropping from 7.3% to 5.6 percent proves that the President has failed to create jobs. He also wants you to know that firing middle class folks to pay for tax cuts for the rich would be a dramatic improvement. Riiight.

* "Can You Call a 9-Year-Old a Psychopath?" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/13/magazine/can-you-call-a-9-year-old-a-psychopath.html?_r=2&hp

* Milo's Service Dog Fundraiser Art sale: http://djinni.livejournal.com/410710.html

* Hector decided to howl me awake every two hours. Sigh. It's still significantly better than the one hour or fifteen minute reset, but is not restful. I now owe Squirrel a bunch of miney, but things are a stabilized. In health news, I'm out of remission as my immune system is clearly eating my skin and joints again.

* White Collar style wine hoax: http://nymag.com/news/features/rudy-kurniawan-wine-fraud-2012-5/

* Supernatural:
1.It is incredibly cruel to tease me with images of Castiel naked on the hood of the Impala covered with bees. Show, don't tell, darlings.
2. "He was your boy friend first." He was, he really was.
3. Bobby hurt, but it's right. (Damn, there goes one of the two reasons I'm still watching.)
4. Poor Castiel.
5. The boys are sure having a lot of trouble with Dicks tonight.
6. Dean forgives Cas. Finally. Seems to me the wrong went both ways though.

* I know they'll likely revert to the standard theme song, but I wish they'd keep the Imagineers version from the Scottish episode, as it's lovey.

* Choose Your Own Adventure Books live: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/entertainment/2012/05/enduring-power-choosing-your-own-adventure/52386/

When these first hit our Middle School Libraries, there were fights over who got to read them and when they instituted a waiting list, it took months to get to the front of the line.

* I know it's wrong, but ever since I saw this on the news earlier in the week I've been finding this oddly mesmerizing: http://gawker.com/5910416/teachers-at-massachusetts-high-school-pull-spectacular-stealth-disco-prank-on-unsuspecting-students

* I also know that Penzance is a modern place with serious economic challanges, but whenever they turn up in the news, this is what happens inside my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Wj2yMuTIU

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help, news, life, cats, music, books, tv, economics, psychology, evil

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