(no subject)

May 18, 2012 02:15

* Yes, I saw the "black metrosexual Abe Lincoln" thing. I am confused as to how this is a negative for anyone who doesn't think freeing the slaves was a bad idea. Certainly, a racist attack that also accuses the President of being well groomed will appeal to the current Republican base, but I have trouble seeing how this would in any way read as a negative for the average voter. In short, I think it says some very fucked up things about the mindset of those that thought it might be a good idea in that they thought it's an insult, but I'm having trouble taking it seriously as an actual political threat, especially as it wasn't implemented.

* Mr. Romney, it's not character assassination when it's a factual description of what you did. It's also unreasonable to declare investigation of the parts of your bio you are bragging about off limits. You keep bringing Bane up, so people are going to fact check things, like your "job creation figures" which have gotten geometrically bigger since you left. I have trouble believing that unemployed people create jobs at that dramatic rate. As your figures now contradict those you gave wen first running for office, you are pretty much begging for people to dig to see if eiher figure is correct.

* I keep thinking about this Republican agenda thing. They want to ban not only abortion, but birth control. They want to cut the already disastrously underfunded foster care system, and all aspects of the social safety net that help feed, house, and educate children in poverty. They want to cut Medicaid and food programs that help pregnant woman have healthy babies. They want to restrict people being allowed to adopt to straight Christians. (See the law recently passed allowing adoption agencies to prevent Jewish folks adopting along with gays and other folks Republicans think are undesirable due to their bigotry). During the Hilary Rosen kerfuffle, right wing propaganda machine FOX "news," and a number of right wing pundits and politicians attacked her for having adopted her children and therefore being "not a real mother." I think it's safe to say based on the above, that Republicans are now also broadly anti-adoption.

What exactly do they think is going to happen to all these unwanted children they want to force women to have?

* "The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia:" http://www.sparkindarkness.com/2012/05/international-day-against-homophobia.html

* "Gay Marriage: A Lawyer's Response to the Doctors' Concerns:" http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=13624

* How the hell did I sprain an ankle in my sleep? Also, I have lost track of how long this stomach bug has lingered, but I really need it to stop.

* This amuses me: http://gofugyourself.com/we-need-to-talk-about-swinton-05-2012/cff-jury-photocall-8-160512

* The Tom Ricketts silliness got this stuck in my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTN6Du3MCgI

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* In honor of Donna Summers (I know everyone is doing Last Dance, but this was the favorite of hers in my house growing up. After all, my Mom worked two jobs to keep us fed.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TKQcWEXSKU

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racism, quiltbag, elections, news, life, music, women's rights, eonomics, rip, feminism

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