Have I been living under a rock?
Last night mick and I had an epiphany. One of those...NO WAY moments.
We decided to watch bad 80's movies. First being Krush Groove...not being a bad movie...but a bad as in good, def as in dope...kind of moviie. Id never seen it, but for all you who havent...its a flash back to 80's old school rap. With Run DMC, Fat Boys, Shiela E, etc. It was pretty awesome.
However...our NO WAY moment came while watching The Wizard. You know...the movie where Fred Savage takes his brother to California to compete in a video game tourney and you see Super MArio 3 for the first time? Well...Jenny Lewis, the lovely red head friend they pick up on the way, the daughter of Shelly Long in Troop Beverly Hills...everyone's favorite child actress....is the lead singer of Rilo Kiley?????
Seriouisly? We of course were IMDBing everyone as we watched the movie...and when we found this out...and told my roomates, none of whom knew who Rilo Kiley even was, the excitememt was a bit lost...but whoa! She toured with Postal Service!! Seriously...i was always like what ever happened to....now i know.
You will probably tell me...cmon lauren. How could you NOT know this.
Sorry. i just didnt know.