a sad goodbye

Apr 17, 2008 23:27

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this was my last week teaching my adult special education class.  I am very sad to say goodbye to them, since I have been teaching the class for approximately 16 weeks.  They were an amazing class that brought me a lot of joy, and my assistants were awesome.

Unfortunately, the corporate head of  Michaels came to the conclusion that he didn't want his employees teaching in a situation which could lead to a liability case (although, I think that is possible in any teaching situation), and therefore banned our district from continuing our good relationship with ADD's Community Connections.  We have been fighting this since January, and it has been very frustrating.  I am sad to see the program go.

Morgan did invite to teach at some of their Friday craft seminars, though, and I might take her up on the offer.

Hours are still being slashed at the store, and I am struggling to figure out what my role in the store really is.  After months of helping out in other departments, I find that I have less hours to work in my position, and therefore can't help elsewhere.  It is strange to receive questioning looks when I am actually busy doing my own job for once.

I have spent the last few days trying to figure out what I want to from here.  I haven't been very successful. Not that I don't have a few ideas, but nothing feels concrete at the moment.

I spent a lot of time talking about myself today, and that is something I haven't done in a long time.  It was a bit weird.  But I did come some interesting conclusions.

I still hate Steve.  Not for the most obvious things, but for the subtle things that still haunt me.

I have been friends with Connie for so long that I often fail to remember when we weren't friends.

I don't talk about my childhood because there are few people I wish to burden with it. Actually, that is true about myself in general.

I have often thought of my time in college as a complete failure, which has made feel unworthy of trying it again.  Maybe I have been wrong about that.

And for something completely different:

I started to watch The Twelve Kingdoms today, but I only managed to make it through one episode.  This anime gets amazing reviews, and I completely lost interest within the first 15 minutes.  I even re-watched it with Matt to see if I was just being overly critical, but he wasn't really interested in it either.  I might watch a few more and see if it gets better, but I just don't have the inclination to do so any time soon.

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