I have... ideas for a sort-of s3.5 (after, and fully accepting of, CoE, but before any s4), mostly to do with the logistics of getting TW back up and running again. And by 'TW', I don't just mean a handful of misfits in Cardiff, I mean the Institute-at-large, from the viewpoint of someone who actually works in a real-life Victorian scientific institute and occasionally gets the run of others! Field teams are great, but Gwen needs to recruit some proper full-time curators (I don't care what Ianto liked to tell people, it's not a one-man job), dedicated techies, a media liaison... and the field teams. There are likely teams in other parts of the Commonwealth who have been doing their own thing since 2006 (TW:NZ is definitely a part of the Department of Conservation, who have their own fixations on alien invaders in real life), along with the few survivors of TW London and the chap up in Scotland. I'm not sure how interesting it would be anybody else, and canon will - will! - trample it soon enough, but I'd have fun exploring it all. :)
Work, alas, is a necessary evil, but I've been working in the main herbarium at Kew Gardens for a couple of days this week and the architecture of that place has given me a few ideas (you should just see the spiral staircases).... ;)
Work, alas, is a necessary evil, but I've been working in the main herbarium at Kew Gardens for a couple of days this week and the architecture of that place has given me a few ideas (you should just see the spiral staircases).... ;)
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