A - Z

Apr 01, 2012 14:02

A-    Age: 25
B-    Been cheated on: Three times.
C-    Can you honestly say that sex is overrated: IMHO, yes. The foreplay, however, no.
D-    Done something you regret: Probably, but nothing I can currently think of. Most bad decisions are what led m to where I am. What's the quote..."God bless the broken road that led me straight to you"
E-    Essential Roadtrip Items: other than the obvious (money, map, car)--good friend, music, munchies, good attitude
F-    Favorite Summer Activity: Hanging outside with friends, reading and relaxing
H-    Hometown:  The Peg
I-     Is there anyone who gives you butterflies: There is now~! Teehee
J-    Job: Early Childhood Educator II
K-    Kids: Not really sure
L-    Listening to currently: Britney Spears
M-   Mom's name: Lorraine
N-    Number Of People You've Slept With: Sex-slept= 3   Sleep-slept=lots
O-    Out of sex...drugs...or ROCK AND ROLL: Rock and roll. 
P-    Person you couldn't live without: Bree, Eve, Mom, my cats
Q-   Quote You Like: "My love colors outside the lines. " ~ unknown
R-    Ride You Have: Honda Fit
S-    Show You Like:  Just one?  Supernatural.
T-    Taken someone's virginity: Noperz.
U-    Unique or average: Unique.
V-    Vegetable You Refuse To Eat: Asparagus
W-   Worst Habit:  Not cleaning things up right away
X-    XRays You've Had: Aside from regular dental xray's, a neck/spine xray from Chiropractor
Y-    Yuckiest feeling: Sore throats that won't go away, not-appreciated, lonely, depressed
Z-    Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

rl: quizes

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