Life is good right now

Apr 01, 2012 11:51

It's been a while guys, sorry, life has bee a little whirl-wind the past few weeks. =)

But yes, Life is good right now, aside from one or two things, which I'll mention first, so I can end on a positive note.

1- I have a sore throat, which concerns me because I'm starting to -honestly- think I'm allergic to boys...
2- Grandma fell the other day. She didn't break anything, but she can't move very well, and considering Grandpa needs help with everything, and Home Care is flakey and decides not to show up half the time, Mom and Uncle Al are spending a lot of time out there (they live in another city, but only about a half hour away) helping. Makes sense, as that is their parents. Mom says they'll take grandma to the Hospital for xrays to make sure nothing is cracked either.

Good stuffs

On Tuesday I had a Blind Date, and we went to UPuttz Blacklight Mini-Golfing. Kind of awkward, as you'd expect, sometimes we'd play three holes without saying anything to each other (cause one person or the other is 'concentrating'). But we finished the 18 holes in half an hour, and when we got out, we were kind of awkward like and he asked if I wanted to play again.  A) I didn't cause it wasn't that fun B) He'd paid for the first round and I knew he would try to pay again and I didn't feel comfortable with that.

We decided to sit in the little concession area and talk, which went well. We ended up just talking for about two hours. We had the awkward silences, but we were at least able to joke about it and both understood that it wasn't really a reflection on the other person, just a lack of coming up with something to say (I think). We bade (is that how you spell it?) each other goodnight, and our cars were on opposite sides of the parking lot, so before we split, I asked if I could have a hug. He seemed enthusiastic in his answer (yes, of course), which was nice.

I'd given him my number, but he didn't offer so I didn't ask for his. I was feeling pretty positive about it all, though was unsure whether I'd yabbered too much in attempts to fill the silences.

Cue anxious (stupid, I know) 'omg I haven't heard from him he really didn't like me omg' for the next day and a half. Thursday around noon, he texted me and asked if I wanted to go for drinks "tomorrow" (friday). Of course I said yes.

We went to Tavern United (a kind of pub) on Friday, at 9--I met him there cause he didn't offer to pick me up so I didn't ask. We sat and had a couple of drinks, had some wings, talked for about two and a half hours. He then  suggested that we go to K&M's for a bonfire because they were having one as it was M's birthday. I agreed, and he paid for our drinks (!!) and we headed outside.

Turned out he parked in same direction as me, just a bit farther, so he walked me to car, and we discussed briefly how I'd need to follow him because I didn't know where K&M's house was. He said that was fine, pointed out the parking lot he was in (maybe 100 meters away) and said he was the black SUV like vehicle. I told him I'd wait until he came out, and then he took two steps away, and stopped. The turned back to me, and says "Before we go, there's something I'd like to do first."

And he takes two steps forward and leans down I swear in slow fucking motion, arm reaching around me and kisses me.



-turns coherency switch back on-

K, so the kiss lasted for like a minute, and I'm pretty sure my head was kind of swimming, and when he walked away to cross the street to the parking lot, he kept staring and turning to look at me, this giant smile on his face.  It was ridiculously adorable.

When he pulled out, I couldn't help but laugh because his rear wiper was on the -entire- trip even though it wasn't raining anymore (someone joked that he was keeping it clear so he could see me lolol) We stopped at a beer vendor on the way, and they had a small parking lot, so I parked out by the exit and just waited, and he parked by the entrance to the building. But before he went in, I looked over and saw him jogging his way over to my car. I rolled the window down and he bent over and stuck his head in the window, just grinning, and asked what kind of (I think he used the word draught? Maybe not) I liked. I said I didn't drink beer, and he just said ok and jogged back to go inside.

He bought whatever, went to his car, and pulled out specifically by the exit I was parked by (even though there was one right in front of where he's parked, and when he passed me, he was looking at me and still smiling. It was so stupidly nice to see that he seemed so genuinely happy that he couldn't stop grinning. I have never encountered that before with anyone. Sure, smiles here and there, but full on, wide mouth, teeth showing grinning happiness.

We showed up at the bonfire, and he pulled a four box/pack thing out of the trunk of beer, then he grabs a four pack of coolers and hands them to me. xD  Like, sweet of him!

So we go to the backyard, and enjoy the party, this and that. We're both incredibly subtle dorks, so of course we choose seats next to each other, and every time one of us gets up to get another drink, or shift in our seat, or go pee, we sit down and I'm sure oh so subtly move our hair a bit closer to the other.  xD  Think the slow shuffle across the couch kid of thing. lol Eventually the entire sides of our legs were touching.

I kept looking at the fire, cause it's shiny and mesmerizing, but I could see him constantly turning his head and just looking at me. If I turned to look at him, he'd just grin, either actually or that subtle smile you can barely see but you can totally tell because the eyes are just lit up (and no not from the fire lol). I am seriously just floored by the fact that he is such a smiling dork!  lol

K&M of course decided when we first got there to make a comment (did I mention K&M are the one's that set us up?) that "this is future boyfriend / girlfriend right here".  I couldn't believe they said that.  Glad it was dark, I'm sure I was red. they made other comments trough the night and kept saying "Hey, T, make note of that, yeah?" (T = grinning dork lol)

After a number of times "catching" him staring at me, I just smiled, still staring at the fire and said "You keep staring at me like that, I'm going to start thinking I look good or something."

His response?

"Well, maybe you should."

-coherency breaker fail-



K&M decided that "we don't want to see any of that naughty stuff" and draped blankets on us (we also we not dressed for a bonfire, and he was shivering like mad!! lol) and apparently that was T's cue to hold my hand. So we held hands most the evening, drawing the idle patterns with whatever free fingers we had---it's impossible to describe but I'm sure all of you know exactly what I mean. Occasionally he'd take his free hand and just rub my knee or my thigh--nothing dirty or "intention" leading.  Just, for the touch I think. Everyone disappeared behind the cars for a minute, and he glanced around, and then leaned over to kiss me again. kgowhg;w  But apparently this is not kissing in front of people level, because as soon as noise was heard, he pulled away again.

Or I can look at it as he's being a gentleman and not wanting to be one of those people that just suck face in front of others constantly--which I agree with.

After about two and a half hours outside, we went in just to warm up--and I think perhaps just get a moment alone--and of course M came in to get the cake and such too. So we just stood by each other, arm around backs kind of thing, kind of hugging. I rested my head on his chest at one point, and his heart was just pounding lol.  Of course I experimented whether rubbing his back would increase his heart rate, or the gentle "scratching" (for lack of better word) of his back would do anything. I don't think I was focusing enough to really determine if results were made.

When M left, we got a few kisses in, and :IUHGWIUEHGWI:UGH:H: he took his hand and cupped my neck/cheek/ear like you see in movies but never really see.  I was all eirueofi.  Of course.


He honest to Cas DIPPED ME.

Just, I was suddenly flying towards the ground (still being kissed, I might add, and I think that involves some mighty talent right there! lolol) and my hat flew off and I'm 100% sure I squealed in initial fear/surprise. I expected to feel like I was still on the verge of falling even as he held me, but he had a good sturdy hold. When he pulled me back up, I said "I can honestly say no one's every done that before".  What did he do?  Grinned. Of course. =D  lol

We went back outside for a bit (didn't want them thinking--though they probably already did--that we were 'hiding' inside for other reasons) and stayed for a bit longer, but the smoke was bothering me too much. My eyes were watering constantly, so we decided to head out.  We walked to the front of the house, and the poor thing was shivering like crazy, but he still insisted on a long kiss goodbye. kushgsieuh

So yes. I am happy.

And I know what you all are thinking right now. "This is all great, but who the hell is this person and what does he do/like/etc.?"  Well, Since you asked.

The Deets

Name: Tony (last name might be Sweetland, but this is unconfirmed by T himself)
Birthday: July 7, 1986  (only 6 months older than me)
Description: Tall, estimating at least 6 foot something. Dark hair, strong build...not sure what else to say. Wonderful full face smile, ear to ear grin kind of thing.
Occupation: Xray Technologist (and I was lol'ing t this because Grandma might be first to meet him 'cause he works out of city, in the city Grandma lives--so when she goes for xray's she might actually be first to meet him! lololol)
TV Likes:
  • Big Bang Theory
  • Ancient Aliens
  • all sitcoms apparently
  • Supernatural (though he's a number of seasons behind. He only watches when his sister comes to the city to visit, which is sweet)
  • Person of Interest
  • Ringer
  • ----I can't think of any others atm

Music Likes:
  • Punk rock, that's about all he gave me.
Food Likes:
  • Everything except eggs, though will occasionally eat hard boiled.
Other Misc. details:
  • He's a medium sized-dog person
  • He doesn't drink tea or coffee (like me!)
  • He grew up on a farm, I think he said in Lundar, MB. Few hours North of our city. Cattle farm.
  • He had a border collie as a pet (as much as farms usually have pet dogs--outdoor and such)
  • He's got three older siblings ("I'm the baby!"). A sister who is two yers older than him, a brother that is seven and a half years older, and another brother who is ten years older than him. I think the middle brother is Eric, but I'm not sure.
  • He loves board games (not so much card games though), and apparently has a billion of them. He mentioned Headbandz, which is always a good indicator or dork, and he's got a themed Monopoly too--though I can't remember what the theme was. Star wars, or star trek, perhaps?  His favorite is Carcassonne and he has a whole whack of expansion packs for it too. He described it to me and how to play, and it sounds really interesting. I think of it like a really complicated Dominoes with pictures instead of dots. You can only put like sides together (whether it be road, city, or field) and you try to build this entire area and you get little wooden Meeple People to put on the areas to be farmers, thieves of Kings or something and you get points for what is yours versus the other players. It sounds really interesting! 
  • He has a PS3 but uses it mostly for streaming
  • He doesn't smoke
  • He seems to be talking about getting a house in the kind-of near future. He mentioned it a few times, though I'm not sure how close/far in the future it is.
  • He plays Volleyball with a men's league one a week
  • He seemed to agree with me when I made a comment about how we're at a bonfire outside in nie weather, and yet people still can't take their eyes off of their phones (whether he was just agreeing or actually believes is yet to be determined)
  • He dresses nice--like every time I've seen him he's been in a button down dress shirt/jacket and pants.
  • He lives fairly close to me, just across the river-though I'm not sure where abouts yet
  • He is able to hang out with K&M and A--partyers and drinkers and raunchy comments galore, yet he doesn't act like them. He lets out some zinger comments like I can sometimes, and enjoys their company, but he's not up dancing around humping anything that moves when the music is on or being completely stupid (noted from both bonfire and the social where we saw each other but didn't interact 'cause we didn't know we were the intended blind dates---I just thought he was cute then! lol), but he is obviously relaxed and dorky enough to enjoy playing board games. This is a lot like me, and that makes me feel really good about (yes I'm being optimistic here--shock I know!) him fitting in with all my groups of friends.
  • He knows I'm a writer, and I think he suspects that I write fan stuff. He asked me at some point something about....Ugh I don't know, but I rememmber responding with 'Nah, you can write about everything, just need to write a disclaimer of "this story is a work of fiction, I do not know or own any of the characters within--yada yada". And he asked me if I published any of my stuff, and I hesitated on the no, I think, and he made mention of "even online?" or something---so I think he's got some idea. lol

Umm, that's all I can think of for now. But, yes I'm a dork, I will be posting more as I learn because I don't want to forget this shit in case this really does go somewhere I think it might be going. =)

So, I'm pretty damn happy. I've never had someone look at me with such adoration before, like omst other ex's have kind of had the attitude of 'be glad you're with me' kind of thing--you know? More like it was me caring a lot more for them than they did for me, so seeing the way he looks at me, and just grins so's kind of awing. And I use grin a lot, because smile just doesn't really cut it. lol  He's a farm boy, so (sterotyping, yes I know, but still) he's got to have pretty good ideals and morals, and he seems to so far. He seems very similar to me in the sense of kind of shy and quiet, but once you're comfortable, all is insane. I won't lie that I love the fact that he's my age (the coupe that set us up, that entire friend circle is a good five years older than me, so I was not expecting someone my age). I dunno, it's just nice to feel, and see, that he seems honestly kind of giddy over me too---just...yeah. lol  =)

PS- Appropriate icon is appropriate??

So, I suppose I've killed your eyes enough today. Maybe I'll actually do some writing today, since I've written this muh today already---I feel guilty that I haven't written anything fiction wise since early january. >_< My poor word count spreadsheet is looking really sad...

Love you all!!

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