My brain is too active.

Nov 02, 2010 14:24

What is a soul?

So, there's a story (prompt I found) that i want to write, but it involves souls. I didn't even think about what a soul is until the other day when I read something someone was ranting about. Anon meme I think. Discussing something in regards to SPN and Buffy and what exactly Show is defining as 'a soul'.

This interested me (though I don't remember what their different descriptions/theories were), because I'd never thought of a soul as being able to be defined in different ways. I'm not really sure why, but that was one box I never thought outside of. Since I was a kid, a soul was always what gave you emotion. Your empathy and your sense of humor. That was it.

But now that I'm thinking about it, what the fuck is a soul?  Is it the ability to love? The ability to function as a human at all instead of just a shell? Is it what enables us to decide right from wrong? Or maybe even something literally involving our ability to connect to one another--to sense our soulmates.

What're your thoughts?

I was going through
and even
and looking at prompts that I want to write for.

There are a lot.

Here are some of them.

I don't know if I should warn for this, but perhaps for those of you who actually know me (*coughbree_blackcoughdress_myself_upcough*) because...yeah. They're all like porny type ones. lol Mostly.

-1- Jensen lets himself get fucked by fucking machine - on stage in a crowded bondage club to fulfill his partner's (Jeff, Jared... whoever you like) sexual fantasy.

-2- Dean loves Sam but Sam just wants sex/his body

-3- Jared being fucked by Jensen who is pounding him into the bed. His hand is at Jareds throat, squeezing, pressing his weight down without him really thinking what he's doing. When he comes he realizes that Jared has passed out and that he has red marks all around his neck. Jensen panics until Jared comes round and is guilt ridden but Jared assures him that it was awesome.

-4- Dean likes to indulge in some self bondage - hoods, gags, corsets, cuffs, vibrating plugs. It can't be as stringent as he would like because he doesn't have a partner, but still. He hasn't been able to lately since Sam's around, but they separate for long enough that Dean has time to play. Sam comes back early, catches Dean, and decides to join in.

-5- Sam is a vampire and Dean is slavishly devoted to him. Dean tears any hunters that come after Sam to pieces and protects him while he looks for prey. Sam also feeds off Dean part of the time, in the process of sex.

-6- Jared/Sam has a lowerback ache/cramp and Jensen/Dean gives him a massage and gets hard looking at his bare back and butt :P...lolz

-7- Sam and Dean are locked in the trunk of the car and waiting for Bobby to come rescue them and one of them is having a bit of a freakout at the confined space. (Probably Dean.) The other one whispers all kinds of sweet nothings and/or talks dirty to them to calm them down.

I was going to make them give each other handjobs at least, but logically they can probably barely move. OH LOGIC.

-8- Wee!Sam sits on Dean's lap and somehow unintentionally makes Dean come in his pants.

-9- Jensen disappeared two days ago. He turns up, somehow, in Jared's apartment - exhausted, bruised, and seemingly fucked out - placed on Jared's bed a sleep or unconscious with an inflatable cock gag covering the bottom of his face; wrists cuffed to his ankles so that his ass is up and displayed and plugged to keep all the cum from leaking out. By his head was a cassette/memory card with a bow on it.

Bonus points - use of a sling that Jensen was chained to; paddling

-10- Due to some sort of aphrodisiac/curse/spell, Dean CANNOT STOP HAVING SEX, or at least jerking off, or he'll die. HOWEVER, this is not the usual fuck or die scenario, because having sex with Sam is not the cure. The spell doesn't just wear off; Sam has to actually kill whoever cast it to end it. So he has to leave Dean, who is by that point completely exhausted and jittery and in tears all by himself in the motel room while he goes and saves the day!

What happens when he gets back to the room, anons?

Read this story...  I absolutely love it. I found the prompt about Vampire Watermelons and it was absolutely a fun read. ^_^

I found a couple of communities that I'm interested in participating in. 
(but I'm having difficulties understanding it. At all. The profile page is very confusing in its description.) 
(but it doesn't look like anyone is participating in it, so I don't want to just start posting until I figure out what's up with that. lol)

But, I'm hoping in general to start writing more frequently so that when I do start another won't be too difficult to take some time to write every day. xD And therefore will (theoretically) curb the panic attacks.

warning: bunnies

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