Happy things

Jul 15, 2016 18:16

Here are a bunch of happy things to report.
1.) Small Boy got his AP exam scores back. He got 5's (out of 5, so top marks) in US History, English Composition and Calculus. In Chemistry he got a 4 (still very respectable).
2.) Eldest Son has turned a corner and is out of the wheelchair pretty much permanently. He needs to build strength and endurance back, but his legs are (mostly) responding to commands now. I'm not sure how his gait is or if he can bend his right knee, but he can move the leg. As of today he can walk up a flight of stairs (and then back down) and can walk for five minutes on a treadmill.
3.) froggoddess brought me flowers.
4.) Of the 26 things I had to do today, I got 11 done.
5.)  As of today, when I compare my business profit & loss year-to-date comparison, I have made more money than last year. With 100 fewer clients!  Without the staff on salary every week is going to be a bit better for the rest of the year.
6.) I won a dispute. Remember how Willow gave notice on January 30th just as tax season was starting and it was too late to hire anyone else?  She walked it back, but then on February 28th she wrote me a snarky letter about how she didn't choose to work that Saturday shift because Reasons.  I replied to the original email she'd sent me a month before with the subject line "30 day notice" and said "thank you for serving out your notice as gracefully as possible.  You can come by and pick up your stuff on Monday."  She applied for unemployment (after she got back from two weeks in Jamaica) and I disputed it saying she quit and sent them the email giving 30 days notice she sent 30 days before she stopped coming to work.  She contested it, and while I was travelling some adjudicator got the case and required that I print and fax the email to her from the road (she gave me less than 2 day's notice that she needed me to print and fax an email WHILE I was traveling) but I got it done. Because dealing with people who need me to print and fax emails that were already part of the file is EXACTLY my skillset. And I won. They determined she quit.
7.) Darling Daughter texted me and asked if I liked the band "Styx".  I replied that I did in 1980, which is about the last time I heard them.  She said good, because she was getting me tickets to go with her to a concert around my birthday.  Yay, she's on board with our whole "let's have nice moments together as adults" plan we are working. I can handle this. I screwed up much of my twenties not knowing that bad moments made a bad life, so I'm really glad in my fifties to work on good moments to make a good life.
8.) Made it to the gym for a workout this evening.

blessings, joy, mommy blogging, pink baby, gguy, small boy

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