My alma mater's theme song is absolutely nowhere in my memory banks. The bastardized
drinking song version, however, is not only a solid memory, but easily findable on youtube.
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So it comes as somewhat of a surprise to find that the person I identify most closely with in "The Gilmore Girls" is Lorelai's controlling waspish mother. This whole "growing up" shit messes with my head.
I never watched "The Gilmore Girls" when it was broadcast (because, duh, Buffy was on), but it was a huge deal with my daughter's high school friends, and one of my sisters-in-laws saw it as HER show. I was surprised when it came up on the short list when I did a search to find a funny, smart, critically acclaimed family show to binge watch with Small Boy, because we're both finding Supernatural too gross and needlessly scary and sort of don't really care what happens to Dean and Sam (although we like their names.) Small Boy is hitting the demographic sweet spot; he's a high school kid with tough courses in a new school with a weird, caffeine-addicted mother. It's working for us.