Book Review: "Build Your Authority Platform" by Marc Guberti

May 16, 2021 10:23

The most interesting thing about this book is that I bought it. I usually only read fiction on kindle because I want to be able to mark up non-fiction books for these book reviews, but I didn't mark anything up. It was all really obvious as he said it and I don't think I'll need to refer back to it pretty much ever: I've heard it, it makes sense, it's my knowledge now.

But there were a few things to note.

He says to create content at a pace that you can market it. So if you're blogging and shooting youtube videos and creating podcasts, hold up and release them in such a way as you start to get traffic on one before you release the next. Market as much as you create. I'm listening to this and realizing I need to have a marketing job described out.

He says to do many small books with Amazon Books Ads set up for each one than to do a "signature" piece.

He says to listen to what your audience is asking for instead of pushing ahead to create the "signature" piece. (This is really pertinent because my "signature" piece for GYDSU is the thing least likely to sell, but will sell at a higher price point when it does. He says to get buzz with lower price point things.) Okay, hence my mini-course diversion.

He says to cross-platform everything. Film it, turn it into a podcast, grab a still and put it up on Insta, put it in your FB group and make it a blog post with a transcript... (I'm sighing with frustration, here, as this will NOT be my job so that means I need to find and manage the Who for this.)

He loves LinkedIn. Another friend of mine loves LinkedIn. I'm puzzled, LinkedIn is like online resumes for me: who loves that besides job seekers? It feels like all spam all the time, like trying to buy a car on Craigslist. I haven't bothered keeping my presence up on that.

He says to get lots of guests on your podcast and get them to cross-post about it. Honestly, that's how I've found most of my own podcasts. That's how I ended up paying Kris Plachy $5K: I heard her as a guest on another podcast. There were 30 of us in that 12 week class Plachy did: this is not a silly notion.

He, of course, says to find my niche. I do not have a niche. Part of what's stopping me is that I'm trying to work with my 75 year old Jehovah's Witness Mom and my 28 year old bro-dude son at the same time. My niche needs to work for a range of people. It's not just my company. So maybe I need a summit to get this nailed down? Yes, but we need to wait for G to come into his own vision a bit more.

This "book" was 90 pages in a large font with lots of white space and bulleted items. I'm pretty sure there are Kitces blog articles longer than this. But I paid $9 or something for it. (He mentioned that he makes a lot more with affiliate links, though: if I buy ThriveCart from his post they pay a finder's fee of over $300. Which would he rather slog, his Kindle book or ThriveCart? ThriveCart by a lot, but if someone wants to throw him $9 he's fine with catching it.

He did mention going back and pumping up top 10 performing pieces: I never refresh those so it's a good idea: go put new links in pieces that are from years ago and still performing well. I'll add that to my "to do" list.

Right after "get the podcast going" and "do the next youtube channel show" and "market existing material" and "check out LinkedIn"

books, podcast, gydsu

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