Happy things

Sep 09, 2016 22:50

As I start this entry, I am on a boat. I love being on boats. In this case I am on my way to the cottage, which I also love.

I am not blind. As I look back on the near miss with my son and paraplegia, I am recalling how fortunate I am to have has repeated procedures done to my eyes to stave off three different kinds of blindness. In any other day and age I would be an old blind woman now. Instead, and with the help of hair dye, I am not.

My eldest son is featured on the National Park Service website. He is back on the job, wearing a back brace. He is gorgeous.

I picked up my twelfth retainer client today, the ninth in eight weeks. I am scrambling to integrate them, trying to scale, still learning the tools, still operating the tax practice. It is scary and good the way starting a positive new thing can be in the fall.

I have a weekend to read and write coming up. I have a solid first draft of two different things that need polishing to publish, and I have time to do this. I have two or three other pieces of writing backlogged behind it so it will be good to get this done.

I lost over a pound this week, which is better than gaining, which is what I would have done if I hadn't been dieting.

I found myself in a weight room squatting under an oly bar this week, as one does, right?

I don't know if this is true for everyone, but, OMG, marijuana is totally a marital aide for us. I'm so Type A that sharing half a joint makes me mellow out and simply enjoy my husband. He's a simple guy, and a mellow happy wife to touch is basically all he wants, so for a time, at least, we're on the same page.

I just finished cleaning bathrooms in the cottage and I hear my husband outside on a ladder scraping the house before painting a section. It's so cute to hear him singing along to the Bruce Hornsby on his iTunes:

Got to get something done today
Give accomplishment a shot
Might not have a full palette to use
But I'm gonna paint with the colors I've got

Both of my twenty-something kids are partnered up with great people in healthy relationships. That is heartwarming to see. They've got this figured out and I don't need to worry about them in this regard. Everything about that makes me happy.

blessings, cataracts, marriage, parenting adults, pictures, gguy, cfp, island life

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