
Sep 06, 2016 22:51

I used to do Body for Life 12 week challenges that we recorded our progress by counting up. C2W3D5 would be the second challenge cycle (implying you'd done a challenge before) and W3 would be the third week and D5 the fifth day. Since there were prescribed workouts the day of the week was informative to those conversant in BFL.

This time I think I'm going to count down the days until one of my goals. I'm flying to a conference in Seattle on November 2 and I'm sort of afraid of it. I'm afraid to fly that far - I hate the indignities associated with flying - and I have to do a presentation so I need to speak in front of a group. Oh, and it will be televised.  I've been interviewed for television a bunch of time, but this will be my first taped presentation, a la a Ted Talk. So, yeah, losing some weight before then is a good idea.

Here's a tool for me to keep track:

I'm really struggling with the Weight Watcher Points thing. I'm finding it relatively easy to track exactly what I ate, and relatively easy to measure portion sizes (sort of, not clear how to handle home-made ratatouille), and even relatively easy to reach for smarter choices, but keeping within my "smartpoints" is laughably impossible. I've been given 31 points and, woah, the first day I used 72, the second was 35, and assuming I keep my piehole shut the rest of today I'll end with 48 points. Out of a max of 31. Not good. It considers my home-made chickpea/eggplant chili to be nearly half a day's points at 12 smartpoints because it's made with olive oil. I consider it to be food made of food and I'm not scared of olive oil. On the other hand, it considered the junky chicken cordon bleu to be 8 points.  I absolutely do not understand how they judge these things and I suspect that the ratatouille wouldn't be considered so bad if I knew how to label it better. But, hey, I'm giving it an honest try so I'll keep trying.

The exercise is going fine. I took the dog for a brisk walk in the park today, going out to Five Points and back. It took an hour and the dog was happy and I was sweaty and I made a new friend, Tala, who reminded me of how I imagine coercedbynutmeg at age 18. I'm chewing up the points by going for a brisk hour-long hilly walk. But it's not exactly triathlon training. We'll see.

Anyone have insight what WeightWatchers smart points mean? My philosophy in these things is to just give it an honest try without having to figure out why or whether it'll work, I just do it. So I don't really NEED to know, but if anyone understand this please pipe up. :-)

It's the end of the day now, so only 56 more. Maybe one of these days I'll hit my point target.

fat loss, bfl

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