
Jan 12, 2011 20:09

The current weather around here inspired this.   Please enjoy, and as always Thanks to wandering_tyki  for the beta.
Cross posted to FFnet.

Snowy Retribution

Gwendal stomped through the calf deep snow following the sound of laughter.  He found them all in the garden of course, frolicking in the frozen white as if none of them had ever seen snow before.  Wolfram stood grumpily to one side watching as Yuuri, Greta, and Conrad built another snowman to go with the two already standing.  Yozak was building something in the corner that looked like some sort of defense structure and Gunter… Gunter was a vision.

The general felt everything else fall out of focus as his eyes lit on the lavender haired beauty kneeling in the snow.  His pale cheeks were flushed from the cold and his smile was bright with happiness as he concentrated on rolling his snowball to create the foundation for yet another snowman.  The white of his clothing blended in with the landscape reminding Gwendal of an arctic fox or rabbit.  Only his hair stood out against the winter splendor.  The light lavender strands were mussed slightly from an almost non-existent wind and decorated with tiny flakes that glittered in the weak sunlight.

Suddenly the dark haired Mazoku was brought out of his daze by something cold and wet slamming into the side of his head. He must have made a noise from the unexpected assault, because everyone froze and turned to look at the surprised man as the snowball slid from his face.  “Sorry boss, I thought you’d duck.” Yozak called out from his now completed snow barricade.  The smirk on the redhead’s face showed him to be completely unrepentant.

Gwendal was a firm believer in keeping troops disciplined. If your troops were disciplined correctly, with strict but understanding leadership, they would do what you wanted them to, when you wanted them to do it, and not ask questions that should not be asked.  This was clearly a case of insubordination and a complete lack of respect for one's superior officer.  The General could not let that go unpunished.

Slowly the dark haired man turned to face his insubordinate subordinate and glared.  Everyone held their breath and waited for the inevitable reaction.  Gunter was the only one to notice the tiniest of twitches at the corner of the stoic General’s lips and so was the only one prepared when Gwendal dropped to one green clad knee and buried his hands in the snow.  Seconds later, the ground shook.

Yozak was tossed off his feet and the walls of his white fortress rose around him.  Snow erupted into the air and poured back down leaving the redhead to claw his way out of a snowy burial mound.  Satisfied that there would be no repeat of the situation, Gwendal stood and dusted off his uniform.   There was a squeal of delight from Greta as another snowball flew through the air landing next to the struggling spy.  “Uncle Gwendal is on my team!”
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